ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription(Uri, String, String) Constructor


Creates an instance of ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription using the download URI of the 'sfpkg' application package and the application type information.

public ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription (Uri applicationPackageDownloadUri, string applicationTypeName, string applicationTypeVersion);
new System.Fabric.Description.ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription : Uri * string * string -> System.Fabric.Description.ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription
Public Sub New (applicationPackageDownloadUri As Uri, applicationTypeName As String, applicationTypeVersion As String)



The path to the '.sfpkg' application package from where the application package can be downloaded using HTTP or HTTPS protocols.


The application type name, defined in the application manifest.


The application type version, defined in the application manifest.


The application package can be stored in an external store that provides GET operation to download the file. Supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS, and the path must allow READ access.

The download of the application package may take a long time, depending on its size and the network speed. We recommend you set the async parameter to true. In this case, the provision operation returns when the request is accepted by the system and the provision operation continues without any timeout limit. By default, async is set to false.

You can query the provision operation state using GetApplicationTypeListAsync().

The pending provision operation can be interrupted using UnprovisionApplicationAsync(UnprovisionApplicationTypeDescription).

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