RemotingConfiguration Class


Provides various static methods for configuring the remoting infrastructure.

public ref class RemotingConfiguration
public ref class RemotingConfiguration abstract sealed
public class RemotingConfiguration
public static class RemotingConfiguration
type RemotingConfiguration = class
type RemotingConfiguration = class
Public Class RemotingConfiguration



Gets the ID of the currently executing application.


Gets or sets the name of a remoting application.


Gets or sets value that indicates how custom errors are handled.


Gets the ID of the currently executing process.


Configure(String, Boolean)

Reads the configuration file and configures the remoting infrastructure.


Reads the configuration file and configures the remoting infrastructure. Configure(String) is obsolete. Please use Configure(String, Boolean) instead.


Indicates whether the server channels in this application domain return filtered or complete exception information to local or remote callers.


Retrieves an array of object types registered on the client as types that will be activated remotely.


Retrieves an array of object types registered on the service end that can be activated on request from a client.


Retrieves an array of object types registered on the client end as well-known types.


Retrieves an array of object types registered on the service end as well-known types.


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified Type is allowed to be client activated.

IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(String, String)

Checks whether the object specified by its type name and assembly name is registered as a remotely activated client type.


Checks whether the specified object Type is registered as a remotely activated client type.

IsWellKnownClientType(String, String)

Checks whether the object specified by its type name and assembly name is registered as a well-known client type.


Checks whether the specified object Type is registered as a well-known client type.


Registers an object Type recorded in the provided ActivatedClientTypeEntry on the client end as a type that can be activated on the server.

RegisterActivatedClientType(Type, String)

Registers an object Type on the client end as a type that can be activated on the server, using the given parameters to initialize a new instance of the ActivatedClientTypeEntry class.


Registers an object type recorded in the provided ActivatedServiceTypeEntry on the service end as one that can be activated on request from a client.


Registers a specified object type on the service end as a type that can be activated on request from a client.

RegisterWellKnownClientType(Type, String)

Registers an object Type on the client end as a well-known type that can be activated on the server, using the given parameters to initialize a new instance of the WellKnownClientTypeEntry class.


Registers an object Type recorded in the provided WellKnownClientTypeEntry on the client end as a well-known type that can be activated on the server.

RegisterWellKnownServiceType(Type, String, WellKnownObjectMode)

Registers an object Type on the service end as a well-known type, using the given parameters to initialize a new instance of WellKnownServiceTypeEntry.


Registers an object Type recorded in the provided WellKnownServiceTypeEntry on the service end as a well-known type.

Applies to