JsonPolymorphismOptions.IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators Property


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the serializer should ignore any unrecognized type discriminator IDs and revert to the contract of the base type.

 property bool IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators { get; set; }
member this.IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators : bool with get, set
Public Property IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators As Boolean

Property Value

true if the serializer should ignore any unrecognized type discriminator IDs and revert to the contract of the base type; false if the deserialization should fail when an unrecognized type discriminator ID is encountered.


The parent JsonTypeInfo instance has been locked for further modification.

Applies to