! (NOT) (Entity SQL)

Negates a Boolean expression.


NOT boolean_expression  
-- or  
! boolean_expression  


Any valid expression that returns a Boolean.


The exclamation point (!) has the same functionality as the NOT operator.


The following Entity SQL query uses the NOT operator to negates a Boolean expression. The query is based on the AdventureWorks Sales Model. To compile and run this query, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the procedure in How to: Execute a Query that Returns StructuralType Results.

  2. Pass the following query as an argument to the ExecuteStructuralTypeQuery method:

-- NOT
SELECT VALUE product FROM AdventureWorksEntities.Products 
AS product WHERE product.ListPrice > @price1 AND NOT (product.ListPrice = @price2)
-- !
SELECT VALUE product FROM AdventureWorksEntities.Products 
AS product WHERE product.ListPrice > @price1 AND ! (product.ListPrice = @price2)

See also