CorDebugUnmappedStop Enumeration

Specifies the type of unmapped code that can trigger a halt in code execution by the stepper.


typedef enum CorDebugUnmappedStop {
    STOP_NONE               = 0x0,
    STOP_PROLOG             = 0x01,
    STOP_EPILOG             = 0x02,
    STOP_NO_MAPPING_INFO    = 0x04,
    STOP_OTHER_UNMAPPED     = 0x08,
    STOP_UNMANAGED          = 0x10,
    STOP_ALL                = 0xffff,
} CorDebugUnmappedStop;


Member Description
STOP_NONE Do not stop in any type of unmapped code.
STOP_PROLOG Stop in prolog code.
STOP_EPILOG Stop in epilog code.
STOP_NO_MAPPING_INFO Stop in code that has no mapping information.
STOP_OTHER_UNMAPPED Stop in unmapped code that does not fit into the prolog, epilog, no-mapping-information, or unmanaged category.
STOP_UNMANAGED Stop in unmanaged code. This value is valid only with interop debugging.
STOP_ALL Stop in all types of unmapped code.


Use the ICorDebugStepper::SetUnmappedStopMask method to set the flags that specify the unmapped code in which the stepper will stop.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.0

See also