System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions enum

This article provides supplementary remarks to the reference documentation for this API.

A Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file typically describes a class in XML schema language as an xsd:complex type composed of various primitive xsd:complex and xsd:simple types. When generating a .NET class that represents a given xsd:complex type, you must choose how to represent the various primitive types it contains.

By default, each primitive is implemented as a field. If you specify the GenerateProperties option, each primitive type is instead implemented as a property.

Ordering of serialization code

The GenerateOrder member instructs the code generator to create the serialization code in a specific order as determined by the Order property of the following attributes:


Once the Order property has been set on one public property or field in a type, it must be applied to all public properties and fields for that type and all inherited types.