Filter reports more efficiently


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
End users, automatically This feature is released. Aug 1, 2019 This feature is released. Oct 1, 2019

Business value

As the business grows, so do the data sources powering reports. This increases the need for control over precisely how much data is processed.

Feature details

When running a report in Business Central, users are presented with a request page where they can specify various options and filters.

Filtering report data

The filter experience has been greatly improved with features similar to filtering lists that allow you to:

  • Add as many filtered fields as you like by choosing any field from the source table or typing to quickly find the field.
  • Get assistance with specifying filter values using look-ups and similar pickers, including filtering on multiple option-field values.
  • Create complex filters using operators, ranges, formulas, and filter tokens.

Business Central remembers the filters you applied and also allows you to choose from report settings you made earlier.

Filtering totals

One of the most popular features of Dynamics NAV is now also available for reports. Reports often display aggregated or computed values through FlowFields, such as currency amount totals. With this release, Business Central allows you to apply filters to one or more dimensions that influence computed values.

Consistently powerful

The improved experience is consistent across report objects as well as XmlPort objects and screens originating from the RunRequestPage command or FilterPageBuilder command.

A customer report exhibiting various filtered fields

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See also

Feature exploration (video)

Setting Filters in Reports, Batch Jobs, and XMLports (docs)