Consolidate shipment enhancements
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Enabled for | Public preview | General availability |
End users by admins, makers, or analysts | May 9, 2019 | Jan 31, 2020 |
Business value
The system allows for a flexible setup accommodating consolidated shipments per customer, warehouse, mode of delivery, and all types of characteristics defined for the customer or item. This ultimately allows for higher efficiency at the warehouse and better customer service.
Feature details
This feature allows for a more flexible configuration of the consolidated shipment that takes place when releasing the outbound source document to the warehouse. A consolidate shipment policy is introduced as well as a shipment consolidation template. These new entities will allow the user to define, per query, how to apply the policy when releasing the shipments and how to apply the template when consolidating the shipments. The current functionality is limited to a toggle at the warehouse level, making it difficult to select or deselect which customer or orders should be consolidated.