Add marketing text to items

For any item registered in Business Central, you can write marketing text about the item. Although marketing text is a kind of description, it's different than an item's Description field. The Description field is typically used as a concise display name to quickly identify the product. The marketing text, on the other hand, is a more rich and descriptive text. Its purpose is to add marketing and promotional content, also known as copy. This text can then be published with the item if it's published on a web shop, like Shopify, or pasted into emails or other communications with your customers.

There are two ways to create the marketing text. The easiest way to get started is to use Copilot, which suggests AI-generated text for you. The other way is to start from scratch.

Get marketing text suggestions with Copilot

With Copilot, you quickly get a text suggestion that's automatically generated for you. The AI-generated text is tailored to the item and provides a good starting point. The text is based in part on the following information:

Copilot is designed to save you time and help you write creative and engaging text that reflects your brand and is consistent across your product line. Start by generating a suggestion, then change the suggested text as needed.

Supported languages

This Copilot feature was validated and is supported in specific languages. While it can be used in other languages, it might not function as intended. Language quality might vary based on the user's interaction or system settings, which might impact accuracy and the user experience. Learn more about geographic and language availability at Copilot international availability.


Marketing text suggestions feature is activated on your environment. This task is typically done by an admin. For more information, go to Configure Copilot and AI capabilities.

Create first draft with Copilot

Complete the following steps to add marketing text to an existing item. To learn how to create a new item, go to Register new items.

  1. In Business Central, open the item that you want to modify by completing the following steps:

    • In the upper-right corner, select the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature 22. icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link to show a list of available items.

    • Double-click the item or select its value in the No. column.

  2. From the item card, there are two ways to get started writing marketing text with Copilot: from the Marketing Text FactBox or using the Marketing text action. These methods are indicated in the following figure of an item card.

    Shows an item card with Marketing Text pane

    To create the first draft for an item, do one of the following steps:

    • In the Marketing Text pane in the FactBox on the right side of the page, select Draft with Copilot.

      Copilot starts to draft the marketing text.

    • At the top of the page, select the Marketing Text action, then select Draft with Copilot on the Edit Marketing Text window. The Draft Marketing Text with Copilot windows appears and lists all available attributes for the item.

  3. Select the attributes you want Copilot base suggestions on, then select Generate. You can change the selected attributes and other options later. Copilot starts to draft the marketing text.

    Shows the edit marketing text window

  4. When Copilot completes the draft, the text appears in the Copilot editor window for you to review and edit.

    Shows the create with Copilot windows

    You can now get more suggestions, try to improve the suggestions you get, edit text, and more. Go to Review, edit, and save for details.

Review, edit, and save text

Once you have the first draft, you must review it and make changes to the text to get it ready for publishing. This work is done from the Copilot editor, which lets you get more suggestions, change preferences to influence the suggestions, and manually make changes and style the text.


The AI-generated text from Copilot is only a suggestion and it can have mistakes. It requires human oversight and review to ensure it's accurate and appropriate. Review any suggested text and edit as needed before you save and publish it for public consumption.

Use the following guidelines to finalize and save the marketing text.

  1. Make changes to text directly in the text box. Use the tool bar along the bottom of the box to format and style text, add links, and more.

  2. To get a new suggestion, select Regenerate.

  3. If you're not satisfied with the suggestions, enhance the text suggestions using the Tone, Format, and Emphasis preference options.

    For guidelines on improving suggestions, go to the Improve and tailor text suggestions.

  4. To go back and forth through suggestions, use the previous and next links at the top of the page (x of y).

  5. Carefully review the text for accuracy and appropriateness:

    • If you want to save the text, select Keep it.
    • If you don't want to save, select the discard button (trash can) Shows the trash can icon for deleting all Copilot proposal for bank account reconciliation.

Improve and tailor text suggestions

There are a few steps you can do to improve the text suggestions and tweak them to suit your personal or company's preferences.

  1. Change the item attributes used by Copilot.

    Copilot suggestions are based, in part, on the attributes assigned to the item. To view the available attributes and current settings, select the edit Shows the edit icon on the Copilot window for changing attributes icon in the upper-left corner. In the Item Attributes page, choose the attributes that best align with the characteristics that you want to promote. The more relevant attributes you include, the richer the outcome becomes. If you feel you're missing some key attributes, add more. For more information about attributes, go to Work with item attributes

  2. Change your preference settings for Tone, Format, and Emphasis options.

    Option Description
    Tone Use this option to influence what kind of words, phrases, and punctuation are used to engage the target audience. You can choose from several predefined tones of voice, ranging from Formal (which results in a business tone) to Creative (which results in an informal tone).
    Format and length Use this option to control the general structure of the text, which consists of three parts, covered by four different options:
    • Tagline - A catchy phrase or short sentence that identifies the item or brand.
    • Paragraph - A single paragraph of fluent and verbose text, consisting of several complete sentences.
    • Tagline + Paragraph - A tagline followed by a paragraph
    • Brief - An introductory sentence, similar to a tagline, followed by a bulleted list of key points of interest.
    Emphasis Use this option to choose from a list of predefined qualities that you want to emphasize in the text. Choose a quality that best aligns with the type of item you're writing about. The qualities don't directly correspond to the item's attributes, description, or category. For example, Quality could be a good choice for both a bike or desk, while Speed would suit a bike, but not a desk.
  3. Improve the Description field on the item card.

    The text in the Description field is used as-is in many places in the suggested text, so it's important that the description best portrays how you want the item referenced in the marketing text.

  4. Make sure the Item Category Code field on the item card is set to a proper category.

    Copilot finds words and phrases that are related to the category and work them into the suggested text.

Working with multiple languages

Text is always generated in the language defined by your user settings. If your organization operates and enters data into Business Central using a different language, or if Business Central is connected to your online store such as with Shopify, this might result in publishing content that doesn't match similar marketing content.

Create text from scratch

  1. In Business Central, open the item that you want to modify as follows:

    1. In the upper-right corner, select the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature 22. icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link to show a list of available items.
    2. To open the item, double-click it or select its number in the No. field.
  2. Do one of the following steps:

    • In the Marketing Text pane of the FactBox on the right side of the page, select Edit.
    • Select the Marketing Text action.
  3. Make changes to text directly in the Marketing Text box. Use the tool bar along the bottom of the box to format and style text, add links, and more.

  4. Select OK when done to save the text.

See also

Marketing text suggestions overview
Troubleshoot Copilot and AI capabilities
FAQ for marketing text suggestions
Configure Copilot and AI capabilities
Register new items