Inventory Sales Back Orders (report)

The Inventory Sales Back Orders report shows sales lines where you can't fulfill the outstanding quantity by the specified shipment date.

The report groups data by item, and includes:

  • Customer details.
  • The ship date.
  • Other back-ordered items for the customer.

The report shows the following data for individual orders for each item:

  • Number
  • Customer name
  • Customer telephone number
  • Shipment date
  • Order quantity
  • Quantity on back order.

Use cases

Sales representatives use the report to:

  • Keep customers informed about the status of their orders.
  • Prioritize orders that are delayed to ensure they're fulfilled as soon as possible.
  • Identify any potential issues with order fulfillment, and work with logistics teams to resolve them.

Sales managers use the report to:

  • Identify orders that are delayed and take proactive measures to address customer complaints.
  • Monitor orders that they can't fulfill on time, and work with logistics teams to resolve any issues.
  • Analyze trends in delayed shipments to identify areas for improvement in order fulfillment processes.

Logistics coordinators use the report to:

  • Monitor orders that they can't fulfill on time and take action to expedite the process.
  • Identify trends in delayed shipments, and work with sales and production teams to address the root causes.
  • Optimize shipment schedules to fulfill orders on time.

Try the report

Try the report here: Inventory Sales Back Orders


If you press CTRL and choose the report link, the report opens in a new browser tab. This allows you to stay on this page while you explore the report in the other browser tab.

See also

Sales reports
Ad hoc analysis of sales data
Sales analytics overview

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