Generate online channel reports

This article describes how to generate reports for your online channel in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

You can generate and view several reports in Commerce to see how your online channel is performing.

Channel summary report

The Channel summary report shows a summary of the following transactions for the selected channel:

  • Sales transactions
  • Payment transactions
  • Tax transactions
  • Discounted transactions

To generate a Channel summary report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Channel summary report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Channel sales by year report

The Channel sales by year report shows a comparison of year-over-year sales for a specific store. You select the year to compare the sales against, and the report compares sales for the selected year with sales for the previous year.

To generate a Channel sales by year report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Channel sales by year report.
  2. In the From calendar year field, enter a year.
  3. In the To calendar year field, enter a year.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Channel sales by hour report

The Channel sales by hour report shows sales metrics per hour for a selected channel or operating unit.

To generate a Channel sales by hour report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Channel sales by hour report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Top customers report

The Top customers report shows sales metrics for the top N customers for a selected channel or operating unit. The value N is a number from 10 to 100 and is based on a user-selected aggregate measure.

To generate a Top customers report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Top customers report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Top discounts report

The Top discounts report shows sales metrics for the top N discounts for a selected channel or operating unit. The value N is a number from 10 to 100 and is based on a user-selected aggregate measure.

To generate a Top discounts report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Top discounts report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Top products report

The Top products report shows sales metrics for the top N products for a selected channel or operating unit. The value N is a number from 10 to 100 and is based on a user-selected aggregate measure.

To generate a Top products report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Top products report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Category sales report

The Category sales report shows sales metrics over a selected period for each node of a category hierarchy for a selected channel or operating unit.

To generate a Category sales report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Category sales report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. In the Channel field, select the online channel.
  5. Select OK.

Organization sales report

The Organization sales report shows the performance of your stores by organization unit. This report includes the sales quantity and amount by store, and the profit margin for each store. The organization unit is based on the default reporting hierarchy.

To generate an Organization sales report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Sales reports > Organization sales report.
  2. In the From date field, enter a date.
  3. In the To date field, enter a date.
  4. Select OK.

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