Access scheduling in the Customer Service workspace and Customer Service Hub

You can access scheduling through Customer Service workspace and Customer Service Hub apps.

In Customer Service workspace, select the + icon to expand the menu to view a list of forms, views, and activities, and then select either Service Activities or Scheduling to open the feature in a new tab.

Access scheduling from Customer Service workspace

  • Service Activities

View service activities in Customer Service workspace

  • Scheduling

Screenshot of service resource scheduling

In Customer Service Hub, scheduling is powered by Universal Resource Scheduling and is available from the site map.

Select change area. to go to Scheduling and access the entity record types.


Configure entity records in the new scheduling experience

Configure all your entity records in the new experience from the user interface.

Make sure that you have the correct security role or equivalent permissions. Learn more at Manage security roles in service scheduling.


You need to follow the order as given in the Scheduling scenario while configuring entity records in the new scheduling experience.


All entity records can be configured from the user interface except Service Activity.

Overview of service scheduling Service Scheduling FAQ