Associate templates with workstreams


The feature availability information is as follows.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Yes Yes Yes

The session, notification, and application tab templates that you create need to be associated with a workstream, so that the omnichannel system uses the corresponding templates for an incoming conversation.

After an agent accepts the conversation request, a session starts for which the session template is used. In the session, certain application tabs are required such as dashboard, knowledge article search, and case pages. These application tabs are configured using the application tab templates and are associated with a session.

Associate or modify templates with workstreams

After you create a workstream, you can modify the default templates that are attached to the workstream.

  1. In the Customer Service admin center site map, select Workstreams.

  2. Select the workstream for which you want to modify the template, and expand the Show advanced settings section.

  3. Select Edit beside Sessions, and on the Sessions panel that appears, select a template in the Default template list.

  4. Select Save and close.

  5. Select Edit beside Agent notifications, and on the Agent notifications panel that appears, select a template for each of the following types of notifications:

    • Incoming unauthenticated
    • Incoming authenticated
    • Consult
    • Transfer
    • Supervisor assign
  6. Select Save and close.

Manage session templates
Manage application tab templates
Manage notification templates