Enable or disable Microsoft Teams Integration using code
Enable Microsoft Teams Integration in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement to seamlessly collaborate and work effectively across Microsoft Teams and Customer Engagement (on-premises). For detailed information about the feature, see Integrate Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) with Microsoft Teams.
When your admin enables the Microsoft Teams integration feature for your instance in system settings, the collaboration feature is enabled only for a selected set of system entities. If you want to enable Microsoft Teams integration for additional system entities or custom entities, you can only do it programmatically using the msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus Web API action.
msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus action parameters
The msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus action expects the following input parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
Enable |
Edm.Boolean | Indicates whether to enable or disable Teams Integration. Required. |
LogicalEntityNames |
Edm.String | An array with the list of logical names of all the entities for which you want to enable or disable the Teams Integration. Required. |
msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus action return type
The msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus action returns the following value:
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatusResponse |
ComplexType | Contains the response from msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus action. It contains the following properties that contain the structured data of the type:
msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus action example
POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatus
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
"LogicalEntityNames":"[\"account\", \"contact\"]"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; odata.metadata=minimal
OData-Version: 4.0
"@odata.context": [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/$metadata#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_SetTeamsDocumentStatusResponse",
"PassedLogicalEntityNames": "[account,contact]",
"FailedLogicalEntityNames": "[]",
"OperationResult": true
See also
Integrate Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) with Microsoft Teams
Admins: Enable Microsoft Teams integration Preview features