Archive printed customer invoices with hash numbers

In some countries/regions, there is a legal requirement to store calculated hash numbers in the system together with printouts of some documents. Hash numbers can be used for reporting to authorities and during audits.

This article explains how to configure archiving in order to store printed customer invoices with hash numbers.


  • In the Feature management workspace, turn on the feature, Archive printed customer invoices with hash numbers. For more information, see Feature management overview.
  • Configure the printable formats of required documents in Print management.

This functionality is applicable to the following documents.

Accounts receivable

  • Customer invoice
  • Customer credit note
  • Free text invoice
  • Free text credit note

Project management and accounting

  • Project invoice
  • Project credit note

Configure customer master data

Complete the following steps to configure customer data and turn on the ability to automatically save printed invoices as attachments.

  1. Go to Accounts receivable > All customers.
  2. Select a customer, and on the Invoice and delivery FastTab, in the E-INVOCE section, in the eInvoice attachment field, select Yes.

You can post and print any free text, customer, and project invoice or credit note for the customer configured in the previous procedure.

Open the Attachments page for the printed invoice. On the Attachment FastTab, in the Additional details field group, in Document hash number field, find the stored hash number calculated for the printed invoice.

Attachment hash number.