Manage environments

By creating additional new environments, customers can have greater flexibility and enhance the functionality that's provided by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection to scale the solution to support their other business units. For example, customers can create organizations or divisions as root environments, and configure their child environments as different departments, business, or product types. In this way, rules, user access, configuration, and other fraud protection settings can be inherited from the parent level. Transaction data and reports will then be aggregated at the parent environment, so that business leaders can get an overview of an organization's or division's performance.

Create a new environment

To create a new environment, or switch between environments, select Manage environments under the environment switcher in the upper right of the Fraud Protection portal page.


A root environment is an environment that's at the top level of the Fraud Protection tenant and that has no parent environment. There can be multiple root environments in the Fraud Protection tenant. The Product admin role is required to create a new root environment. For more information, see Configure user access.

To create a new environment, select New environment at the top, and then enter the following information:

  • Data storage geography – Select the geography where your customer data resides. For more information about data residency, see Data residency FAQ.
  • Name – Enter the name of the environment that you want to create.
  • Description (optional) – You can add some information to help identify the environment.
  • Tags (optional) – You can use tags to specify any generic information that's related to the environment, such as the industry vertical.
  • Microsoft Entra application ID (optional) – If you want an existing Microsoft Entra application ID to access the environment, paste the application ID here. This approach is recommended if you plan to reuse API access credentials across two or more environments. For a list of available applications, go to Create Microsoft Entra applications or Microsoft Entra ID on the Integration page.
  • Create API ID (optional) – You can enter an identifier that should be used instead of the Fraud Protection environment ID when events are sent to Fraud Protection.


To create a Microsoft Entra application, the user must also be assigned the Application Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, or Global Administrator role in your Microsoft Entra tenant. For more information about Microsoft Entra applications and integration, see Integrate purchase protection API and Integrate account protection APIs.

After you create the environment, you can't change the customer API ID.

An environment that's created under another environment is known as a child environment. The environment that's on top of another environment in the hierarchy is known as the parent environment. By default, some settings and configurations of child environments follow the parent environment. By default, the child environment also inherits the user access configuration of the parent environment.

To create a child environment under another environment, follow these steps.

  1. Select the ellipsis (...) next to the environment, and then select New child environment on the menu.
  2. Enter the information for the child environment. For a child environment, the Data storage geography value must match the value of the root environment.
  3. Select Create.

View environments

To view a list of all the environments under your tenant, select Manage environment under the environment switcher.

You can favorite an environment by selecting the star symbol next to it. In this way, you can access the environment under Favorites in the environment switcher. You can then export the list of environments from the Manage environment page.

Edit an existing environment

To edit an environment, follow these steps.

  1. Select Manage environment under the environment switcher.
  2. Select the ellipsis (...) next to the environment, and then select Edit on the menu.

Only the Name, Description, and Tags fields can be edited.

Delete an environment

To delete and environment, follow these steps.

  1. Select Manage environment under the environment switcher.
  2. Select the ellipsis (...) next to the environment, and then select Delete on the menu.

When an environment is deleted, the transactions, rules, cases, and other data that's associated with it is deleted. However, usage data, the transaction count, and the aggregated report is retained.

If you delete a child environment, the metering report in the parent environment still shows the assessment usage that's associated with the deleted environment. In a similar way, the key metrics and summary data of the parent environment still contain the transactions that are associated with the deleted environment. If you delete all the child environments of a root environment and then delete the root environment, you can no longer access the assessment usage data, key metrics, and summary data of the deleted environments. However, the metering report for the whole tenant always shows the assessment usage for the whole Fraud Protection tenant, regardless of whether the environments are deleted.

You can delete an environment only if it has no child environments. If you want to delete a parent that has active child environments, first delete the child environments, and then delete the parent.


You must have at least one environment in your tenant.

Create, update, or delete non-root environments by using API call

Instead of using the Fraud Protection portal, you can create, update, or delete non-root environments via an API call to the provisioning API endpoint. You must use a Microsoft Entra app with the correct API role to authenticate this API call. To learn how to set up Entra app, refer to the Configure Microsoft Entra app access article. You can learn more about the provisioning API endpoint and schema by visiting Swagger UI documentation for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection.

Additional resources

Payment service provider enablement

Integrate purchase protection APIs

Labels API

Set up device fingerprinting

View purchase protection schemas

Manage rules

Fraud tracker tool