User roles and access

This article provides information about roles and user access to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection offers a defined set of user roles, each of which has access to specific features and functions. Users access Fraud Protection differently, depending on their user role in the organization's Azure tenant. When you add a new user to the system, you can select the roles to assign roles to the user. For information about how to set up user roles and access in Fraud Protection, see Configure user access.

All the roles in the following list are named as they are named in your production environment. To grant users access to these roles in your sandbox environment, select the version of the role that begins with "Sandbox_". For example, Sandbox_AllAreas_Admin.


  • Product admin – This top-level administrative account has full access to your Fraud Protection instance and all the environments in the hierarchy.
  • AllAreas_Admin – This high-level administrative account has full access to an environment and its child environments Fraud Protection.
  • AllAreasEditor – A user in this role is a power user who can view all areas and has permissions to use key Fraud Protection tools in an environment and its child environments. However, this role doesn't give access to make user role assignments.
  • AllAreasViewer – A user in this role can view all areas of Fraud Protection and learn from the data, but can't do uploads or change settings in an environment and its child environments.
  • SupportAgent – This role provides tailored access to Fraud Protection for support agents who work with your customers. A user in this role can view and work in the support tool, view the ontology, and assign customers to safe lists or block lists in an environment and its child environments.
  • FraudEngineer – This role provides tailored access for fraud analysts and engineers in your organization who work with Fraud Protection. A user in this role has similar access to a user in the AllAreasEditor role. This user can access the data engineering information but doesn't have access to some configuration options in an environment and its child environments.
  • ManualReviewAnalyst – A user in this role is responsible for reviewing individual transactions and approving or declining them. Manual review analysts have access to the Search tool and queues in Case management.
  • ManualReviewSeniorAnalyst – In addition to reviewing individual transactions and approving or declining them, a user in this role can also set up routing rules. Manual review senior analysts have access to the Search tool, queues, and Routing rules in Case management.
  • ManualReviewFraudManager – A user in this role is intended to manage manual review operations for the merchant. A user in this role can assign user access, configure assessment rules, create queues, define routing rules, and view performance reports.
  • Risk_API – This role provides access to the API for an environment and its child environments but not to the user-facing tool.


If the selection of roles that's shown to you differs from the following list, you might be using the payment service provider version of Fraud Protection.In this case, see Payment service provider user roles and access for the list of roles.


Members can access their Fraud Protection account and use a Microsoft Entra account to sign in. Tables below describe permissions that different roles have on various functionalities within the Fraud Protection portal.


Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer
Read-only All Areas Viewer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst

Decision Rules, Post Decision Actions and Branches

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Read-only All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst

Monitoring Report (Assessments)

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst


Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor
Read-only All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst

Search, View Transaction Details & Export

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Read-only All Areas Viewer

Case Management - Queues

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Read-only All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer

Case Management - Queues : Assign users

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager
No access All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer

Case Management - Reviewing Cases

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Read-only All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer

Case Management - Report

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst

Routing rules, Functions, Velocities, External Calls, External Assessments, Custom Lists & Support Lists

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Read-only All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst


The Support Agent role can't access the Support list page, but can modify the list from Transaction detail page, on the Support tab under Purchase assessment.

Event Tracing

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin
Read-only All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Data Upload

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

API Management

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


Template Type Permission Roles
Rule Read/Write/Export Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Rule Read-only All Areas Viewer
Rule No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst
Assessment Read/Write/Export Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor
Assessment Read-only All Areas Viewer, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Assessment No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst
Environment Read/Write/Export Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor
Environment Read-only All Areas Viewer
Environment No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


  • To create a template from a resource, user must have read permission on the resource as well as write permission on the template.
  • To create a resource using a template, user musthave write permission on the resource as well as read permission on the template.

Graph Explorer

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer
No access Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Integration- Entra Applications and SSL Certificate

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer
Read-only All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


To create a Microsoft Entra application, the user must also be assigned the Application Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, or Global Administrator role in your Azure tenant.

Settings - Usage

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Settings - Activity Logs

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin
No access All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Settings - Access Control (Users & Microsoft Entra Groups)

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, Manual Review Fraud Manager
Read-only All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst


All Areas Admin can assign all roles except Product Admin. Manual Review Fraud Manager can only assign these roles: ManualReviewFraudManager, ManualReviewAnalyst, ManualReviewSeniorAnalyst.

Settings - Access Control (API roles for Microsoft Entra applications)

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin
Read-only All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Fraud Manager, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst

Settings - Subject Requests: Submit new requests

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer
No access All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Settings - Subject Requests: View previous requests

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Settings - Transaction acceptance booster

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin
Read-only All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer
No access Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


Notification Type Roles that have access to view & dismiss
Environment Management, Event tracing & Subscription Expiry Product Admin, All Areas Admin
Subject requests, SSL certificate & External call Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer
Actions Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, Fraud Engineer
Search Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager, Manual Review Senior Analyst,
Notes Product Admin, PSP Admin, Fraud Manager, Fraud Supervisor, Fraud Analyst, Manual Review Agent, Customer Service Support

Manage Environments - Create and delete root environments

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin
No access All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


All Areas Admin can't create root (top-level) environments. They can only create children environments.

Manage Environments - Update root environments

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor
No access All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


Updates include updating name and tags, and assigning APIs.

Manage Environments - Create, update and delete non-root environments

Permission Roles
Read/Write Product Admin, All Areas Admin, Provisioning_API (under the root environment the Entra application is authorized for)
No access All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager


You can use an Entra application with an assigned Provisioning_API role to create, update, or delete non-root environments via an API call. To learn how to assign API roles to Entra applications, refer to the Configure user access article.

Admin Settings - Subscription & Billing

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin
No access All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Admin Settings - Configuration

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin
No access All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Support Agent, Fraud Engineer, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Loss Prevention

Permission Roles
Read-only Product Admin, All Areas Admin, All Areas Editor, All Areas Viewer, Fraud Engineer
No access Support Agent, Manual Review Analyst, Manual Review Senior Analyst, Manual Review Fraud Manager

Guest user access

Guest users can access Fraud Protection after they accept an email invitation and sign up or sign in. To accept an invitation to Fraud Protection, follow these steps.

  1. Check your email inbox for an email that has the subject line "<Name> invited you to access applications within their organization."
  2. Select Accept invitation.
  3. If an existing Microsoft account or related account uses your email address, you are prompted to use that account to sign in. Otherwise, follow the steps to sign up for a new account. After you're signed in, you should have access to Fraud Protection.
  4. Return to the invitation email, and write down or bookmark the exact link that appears after the text, "If you accept this invitation, you'll be sent to...." This link is in the format Each time that you access Fraud Protection, you must use this exact link.

Additional resources

Configure user access.

Payment service provider user roles and access

Create a user account in Microsoft Entra ID

Assign a user account to an enterprise application