Benefit statement

The Benefit statement report provides a statement of the benefits that an employee is currently enrolled in. The report can be accessed by an employee directly or by the benefit administrator. The Benefit statement provides a list of the employee’s enrolled benefits, coverage options, costs, and any enrolled dependents or beneficiaries. The statement can be printed for a single worker or multiple workers.


The Benefit statement feature must be enabled in the Feature management workspace. In order to do this, the Benefit management feature must be turned on in Feature management.

Importing the Benefit statement

You must import the Benefit statement using report configuration before the Benefit statement will be available. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to System administration workspace.
  2. Select the Electronic reporting tile.
  3. Go to Configuration providers and select Repositories.

Repositories selection.

  1. Select HR Resources from the list, and then select Open.

    Configuration repositories.

  2. Select the Benefit statement model in the left pane and expand it so that Benefit statement format displays.

  3. Select Benefit statement format on the left pane.

  4. On the right side of the screen, there will be a Versions FastTab. Select Import.

    Versions FastTab.

Generate the Benefit statement as a PDF File

By default, the Benefit statement will print as a Microsoft Word document. To print in a PDF format, you will need to configure the PDF option in Electronic reporting destination.

  1. To do this, go to System administration workspace > Electronic reporting > Related links > Electronic reporting destination.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Reference field, select Benefit statement format.

  4. On the File destination FastTab, select New.

  5. In the Name field, enter Benefits Statement PDF.

  6. In the File component name field, select Benefit statement.

  7. Select the Convert to PDF checkbox.

  8. Select Settings from the menu item.

    File destination.

  9. Select the File FastTab, and then select Enabled.

  10. Select OK.


The benefits management feature is in a Preview state. There is a known issue when using the email destination setting in the Electronic reporting destination report. You may receive an error message and the email will fail to send.

The Benefit statement can be generated from the following pages:

  • Benefits management workspace > Links > Reports > Benefit statement
  • Employees (legacy form) > Personal information tab > Benefit statement
  • Streamlined employee entry > Benefit reports > Benefit statement
  • Employee self service > Benefits > View Benefit statement


Access to the Benefit statement in Employee self-service is controlled by the privilege View benefit statement. This is under the Employee Self-Service Benefits duty. This privilege is granted to employees by default.

Report contents

The Benefit statement will print the confirmed plan selections of the employee, including any waived plans. The following image shows an example of this report.

Benefit statement report.

The report displays the Plan, Coverage option, Employee cost, and Employer cost. The report will also list any covered dependents. If the plan has beneficiaries associated to it, the beneficiaries and their distribution priority and percent will display.

The Benefit statement report can be printed for multiple employees at the same time using the Records to include FastTab on the Benefit statement page.