Responsible AI FAQs for Meeting Prep for Financial Services (preview)


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This article answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Meeting Prep for Financial Services. It also explains how Microsoft uses your data responsibly.

What is Meeting Prep for Financial Services?

A product that brings together external financial data with internal content to help investment banking professionals quickly prepare for client meetings.

What can Meeting Prep for Financial Services do?

The application combines market insights, financial performance data, and news originating from specialized data providers, together with an individual’s emails, files, meeting summaries, among other things, to create a comprehensive view of a publicly traded company.

What are the intended uses of Meeting Prep for Financial Services?

  • Meeting Prep report: The report that an investment banker generates using the Meeting Prep app about the client organization is made available to all internal colleagues of the investment banker, so that they can be prepared before attending any meeting with the client organization. If the meeting is set well in advance, any participant having appropriate levels of access can refresh the report to retrieve the latest data. After the report is generated, the large language model (LLM) associated with Meeting Prep extracts key highlights from the entire report so that the investment banker can easily comprehend its contents. For the News section, the LLM can create summaries of the articles retrieved for each topic. These summaries serve as inputs for creating a comprehensive summary of the key points covered in the articles.
  • Email draft: The application creates an email draft that investment bankers can use to reach out to their clients before the scheduled meeting. The application uses summaries of the top two topics related to the client organization to give the email draft a personal touch.

What parts of the report are AI-generated?

The following sections of the report are AI-generated:

  • The Key Highlights section at the top of the report.
  • The summary of each news topic.
  • The personalized email draft based on the contents of the report.

How is Meeting Prep for Financial Services evaluated? What metrics are used to measure performance?

We have performed extensive tests to validate the accuracy of the report’s information, including red teaming to evaluate every output included in the report. Additionally, we provide the users with thumbs-up and thumbs-down rating options for them to provide feedback on the output accuracy. We use their feedback to evaluate our performance and resolve any issues.

What are the limitations of Meeting Prep for Financial Services? How can users minimize the effect of the limitations of Meeting Prep for Financial Services when using the app?

  • Viewing trending news: A single news article per topic needs to be present to ensure that a summary can be created.
  • Selecting a company: Access to the data provider is necessary for the lookup.
  • Drafting an email: The top two topics must be available. Otherwise, the app displays an error message.
  • Reading key highlights: At least one data category must be present to ensure that key highlights can be generated.

What operational factors and settings allow for effective and responsible use of Meeting Prep for Financial Services?

  • Installing the Meeting Prep for Financial Services app from Microsoft Teams.
  • Selecting the target company for which the report needs to be created.
  • Initiating the report generation process.
  • Customizing the report by selecting the data categories to include – at least one data category must be selected
  • Refreshing the generated data to ensure that the report provides the latest available information.
  • Restarting the report generation process, if necessary.

What is the high-level architectural diagram for Meeting Prep?

Architectural diagram of Meeting Prep for Financial Services