What's new July 2024 - Project Operations Lite deployment

Applies To: Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing.

This article applies to the following components and versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations:

  • Project Operations in a Microsoft Dataverse environment version

Features included in this release

No new features are included in this release for the lite deployment.

Quality updates

Project Operations on Dataverse

Feature Area Reference No. Quality Update
Billing and Pricing 3788836 Invoice revision fails for manually created ILDs on TM Invoice Lines without a project reference.
Billing and Pricing 3844999 Currency Validation for Role Prices on Cost Price Lists.
Sales 3853801 Quote line detail and contract line detail DW pre create validation should default owning company instead of throwing an exception.
Time Entry 4103100 Modern Time Entry Grid - Now adheres to the "Start day of week" set as per system settings.
Billing and Pricing 4124103 Prevent recall of approved time entries that are already billed to a (confirmed) invoice.