What's new March 2024 - Project Operations Lite deployment

Applies To: Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing

This article applies to the following components and versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations:

  • Project Operations in a Microsoft Dataverse environment version

Features included in this release

Feature area Feature name More information
Project Management Removal of team member limits for externally scheduled projects

For externally scheduled projects, we no longer impose the limit of 300 resources assigned per project. This limit was due to the dependency on Project for the web.
External scheduling
Project Estimates Project estimate updates

This feature enhancement simplifies the creation and editing of both expense and material estimates for a project. Previously, the Materials and Expense estimates tabs were separate, now they're consolidated into a new Estimates tab. Additionally, the previously labeled Estimates tab is updated to Time phased estimates with no other changes. The enhanced experience allows users to easily add new expense and material estimates using a quick create form, with the convenience of in-line editing directly on the grid. Within the grid of the new Estimates tab, two views are provided: Expense and Materials. Each grid displays the Cost line (parent) and Sales line (child).
Financial estimates for expenses on projects
Project Management Copilot for project

Copilot for project streamlines project management tasks the system in plain English. With an input of the project name and description, Copilot generates a preliminary work breakdown structure, simplifying the task planning process. For ongoing projects, Copilot for project facilitates risk assessment by analyzing the risk register and providing suggested mitigations along with probabilities of occurrence for each risk identified. Moreover, project managers can effortlessly generate detailed status reports through Copilot, integrating concise summaries of scheduling and financial data while also delivering insightful content on overall project progress, financial performance, and schedule adherence. Additionally, Copilot offers a Sidecar chat feature, allowing users to initiate these actions through typed command, enhancing accessibility and efficiency in project management.
Project management Copilot overview
Performa invoicing Improved project invoicing usability and performance

The Billing hub experience aims to provide a rich, consolidated view of contracts, contract lines, related actuals, and key invoicing insights prior to invoice creation to help accountants and billing users create proforma invoices quickly and efficiently. Using the platform's out-of-the-box nested grid functionality, you can complete invoice creation from a single unified view, eliminating the need to navigate between forms or views to validate data, thus leading to faster processing of invoices.

Quality updates

Project Operations on Dataverse

Feature Area Reference No. Quality Update
Billing and Pricing 3564025 Invoice field and basis quantity aren't set when manually creating an ILD.
Project Planning and Tracking 3651668 When you delete a team member from Dataverse, async delete fails if PSS doesn't know the team member. This shouldn't be the case.
Project Planning and Tracking 3660615 Misleading error message for copy project.
Time Entry 3776471 [Modern Grid] Possibility of creating invalid time entries through in-grid editability.
Project Budgeting 3779420 Material Budget Line shouldn't have both WriteIn and Existing product.
Billing and Pricing 3780647 Invoice Date changes to next day when UTC date changes to next day.
Billing and Pricing 3781951 CopyProductPricesFromPriceList doesn't filter on active state.
Subcontracting 3786516 Dataflow mapping issue for resource category.
Project Budgeting 3792450 Add logic to Fetch Price List from Contract associated to Project.
Project Budgeting 3793826 Actual to Budget Line Unit Price Should Consider Unit Conversion Factor.
Project Budgeting 3802808 During budget evaluation, don't match fixed price project contract sales actual to any budget line.
Billing and Pricing 3804223 [CostPlusPricing] : Price defaulting errors anytime an override is created for a role price that is AtCost or Markup.
Billing and Pricing 3805992 You shouldn't be able to create AtCost or markup based category price from nonsales price lists.
Billing and Pricing 3815475 Able to create/update estimate lines with invalid subcontract lines.
Project Planning and Tracking 3815578 Extend booking always rounds minutes down resulting in less a minute unbooked.
Billing and Pricing 3834839 Post Project Parameter Create creates org unit without regard to field and doesn't set currency.
Billing and Pricing 3840851 Recalculate Totals Button Show For All SalesOrder Views.