Enter time (Project Service)


Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation has evolved into Dynamics 365 Project Operations. For more information, see Project Service Automation Transition.

Applies to Project Service app versions 2.x and 1.x

Enter your hours at least weekly—or at the frequency requested by your managers—to ensure your clients are invoiced and you’re credited correctly.

If you’re using the web app:

  1. Go to Project Service > Time Entries. This brings up your calendar.

  2. To see your calendar for the previous or next week, click Previous or Next. Click Today to get back to the current week.

  3. To enter your time, either click New or double-click in the calendar under the day you want to enter time for.

  4. Fill in the fields in the Time Entry form and click Save.

  5. Continue entering time for the week. When you’re done and everything looks correct, click Submit. A manager will review and approve your time entries.

  6. If you want to change an entry that you already submitted, select the entry in your calendar and then click Recall.

  7. If you want to copy all the entries from a previous week to the current week, click Copy From and select the timesheet week you want to copy.

  8. If you’d rather see a list of what you’re working on, click Grid.

    If you’re using the mobile app:

  9. From the menu, go to Time Entries. You can switch to Day, Week, or Month view, or navigate to the previous or next time period.

  10. Tap and tap New.

  11. Fill in the details as necessary and tap Save.

See Also

Time, Expense, and Collaboration Guide