Removed or deprecated features in Dynamics 365 Project Operations

Applies To: Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios, Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing, and Project Operations for stocked/production-based scenarios

This article describes features that have been removed, or that are planned for removal from Dynamics 365 Project Operations.

  • A removed feature is no longer available in the product.
  • A deprecated feature isn't in active development and may be removed in a future update.

This list is intended to help you consider these removals and deprecations for your own planning.


Detailed information about objects in finance and operations apps can be found in the Technical reference reports. You can compare the different versions of these reports to learn about objects that have changed or been removed in each version of finance and operations apps.

Features removed or deprecated in the Project Operations October 2023 release

Previously we had announced the depreciation of the Project management and accounting adjustment parameter for "Invoiced". After additional discussion and feedback, we have decided to keep this parameter and the functionality as is and won't remove it.

Similarly, we have decided to keep the Project management and accounting parameter for "Allow for projects with multiple funding sources" and the functionality as is and not remove it. The related feature to "Allow item requirements with multiple funding sources for Project Operations stocked/production-based scenarios" will move to mandatory in a future release but will continue to be dependent on this parameter being on or off.

Features removed or deprecated in the Project Operations March 2022 release

Project management and accounting "Always create adjustment transaction" parameter

Reason for deprecation/removal Adjustment transactions are required for audit purposes. After deprecation, this parameter is hidden. The system always creates adjustment transactions, just as it currently does when the parameter is set to Yes.
Replaced by another feature? No
Product areas affected Application
Deployment option Project Operations for production/stocked scenarios
Status Removed as of 10.0.32.

Project management and accounting "Use adjustment date as new project date" parameter

Reason for deprecation/removal This parameter was originally used to allow for adjustments when a fiscal period was closed. However, it's no longer required, because the accounting date of the transaction can be changed to the first date of the open period, if it's configured. The project date must not be changed, because it represents the date when transaction occurred. The project date no longer changes on adjustments.
Replaced by another feature? No
Product areas affected Application
Deployment option Project Operations for production/stocked scenarios
Status Removed as of 10.0.32.

Resource request workflow in Project Operations for stocked/production-based scenarios

Reason for deprecation/removal Deprecated because of low usage and transaction volume limitations.
Replaced by another feature? No
Product areas affected Application
Deployment option Project Operations for production/stocked scenarios
Status Deprecated as of 10.0.32 with the removal of enabling workflow. Many objects marked as obsolete and some objects removed.

Project invoice proposal page without Header and Lines views

Reason for deprecation/removal Deprecated because of improvements to the page that was introduced together with the Use Project invoice proposal and invoice journal forms with the Header and Lines view feature key.
Replaced by another feature? Yes
Product areas affected Application
Deployment option Project Operations for production/stocked scenarios; Project Operations for resource/ non-stocked scenarios
Status Deprecated: By March 1, 2023, the earlier (legacy) page is turned off and the Use Project invoice proposal and invoice journal forms with the Header and Lines view feature key is turned on by default.

Features removed or deprecated in the Project Operations December 2021 release

Collaboration workspaces

Create or link to a collaboration workspace (Project)

Reason for deprecation/removal Deprecated due to low usage. Customers using Project Operations for resource/non-stocked scenarios can useCollaboration with Office Groups.
Replaced by another feature? No
Product areas affected Application
Deployment option Project Operations for production/stocked scenarios
Status Deprecated: By December 1, 2022, we plan to no longer support Collaboration workspaces.