Compress image uploads from mobile devices


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Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 14, 2023 - -

Business value

To save time, bandwidth, and storage capacity, images can be compressed when uploaded in Field Service Mobile.

Feature details

With mobile devices, frontline workers can quickly take several images of assets and customer sites using high-quality cameras built into the device. These images are large, often exceeding 5 MB in size. When large images are uploaded in Field Service Mobile, it can take a long time, as well as consume network bandwidth and server storage space. Often, high-quality images are not required for the scenario and a compressed version is sufficient while saving resources.

From the Field Service Mobile, a technician will be able to take advantage of compression during image upload to reduce network bandwidth and conserve Dataverse storage. The app will perform the necessary compression and ensure that the compressed images are uploaded to the server.

This feature will be available first as a user option set to OFF on August 14, 2023, and will be set to ON by default on October 2, 2023. Image compression for inspections will come in a later update.

See also

Take notes with attachments (docs)