Tailor the action bar to fit your needs on document lines


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Mar 1, 2023 Apr 1, 2023

Business value

Personalizing actions can improve productivity, reduce noise and distractions, and save new users time when they're getting started with Business Central. Personalized actions can make Business Central fit the needs of your industry, company, or your people.

Feature details

We've added flexibility to the ways you can personalize menus to suit your preferences. In addition to the action bar at the top of pages, you can also personalize actions on subparts in the content area. For example, you can personalize the action bar for document lines. This gives you extra opportunities to work in Business Central in ways that suit you best. Personalizing pages is just a matter of choosing Personalize on the Settings menu in the upper right corner of Business Central, and then making your change.

Shows new personalization capabilities in subpage action bar.

  • Subpart action bars show more actions (More options) by default, and the Manage group is pinned to give you fast access to actions that are important to you.
  • You can now move actions between groups. For example, move the Get Shipment Lines action from the Functions action group.
  • You can move action groups and split buttons between groups and into the root of a subpart's action bar. For example, the Show Lines with Issues group is now a split button and promoted to the root of a subpart's action bar. Also, the Item Availability action group has been promoted to the root of a subpart's action bar.
  • The Clear personalization menu on subparts now contains options to clear personalization for Only actions, Only Fields and Columns or All personalizations.


You must have the Feature Update: Modern Action Bar feature enabled in the Feature Management page to use this capability or select Try it out to try for your session only.

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See also

Personalize Your Workspace (docs)