Configure shipment consolidation policies

The shipment consolidation process that uses shipment consolidation policies allows for automated shipment consolidation during automated and manual release to the warehouse. After you turn on this feature, you must configure your initial policies. If no policies are configured, each sales line will generate a separate shipment that has a single load line.

The scenarios that are presented in this article show how to set up default and custom shipment consolidation policies.


If you upgrade a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management system where you've been using the legacy shipment consolidation feature, consolidation might stop working as you expect unless you follow the advice that is given here.

On Supply Chain Management installations where the Shipment consolidation policies feature is turned off, you enable shipment consolidation by using the Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse setting for each individual warehouse. This feature is mandatory as of version 10.0.29. When it's turned on, the Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse setting becomes hidden, and the functionality is replaced by the shipment consolidation policies that are described in this article. Each policy establishes consolidation rules and includes a query to control where the policy applies. When you first turn on the feature, no shipment consolidation policies will be defined on the Shipment consolidation policies page. When no policies are defined, the system uses the legacy behavior. Therefore, each existing warehouse continues to respect its Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse setting, even though that setting is now hidden. However, after you create at least one shipment consolidation policy, the Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse settings no longer have any effect, and consolidation functionality is entirely controlled by the policies.

After you define at least one shipment consolidation policy, the system will check the consolidation policies each time that an order is released to the warehouse. The system processes the policies by using the ranking that is defined by each policy's Policy sequence value. It applies the first policy where the query matches the new order. If no queries match the order, each order line generates a separate shipment that has a single load line. Therefore, as a fallback, we recommend that you create a default policy that applies to all warehouses and groups by order number. Give this fallback policy the highest Policy sequence value, so that it's processed last.

To reproduce the legacy behavior, you must create a policy that doesn't group by order number, and that has query criteria that include all the relevant warehouses.

Turn on the Shipment consolidation policies feature

To use the Shipment consolidation policies feature, it must be turned on for your system. As of Supply Chain Management version 10.0.29, the feature is mandatory and can't be turned off. If you're running a version older than 10.0.29, then admins can turn this functionality on or off by searching for the Shipment consolidation policies feature in the Feature management workspace.

Set up your initial consolidation policies

If you're working with a new system or a system where you've just turned on the Shipment consolidation policies feature for the first time, follow these steps to set up your initial shipment consolidation policies.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. On the Action Pane, select Create default setup to create the following policies:

    • A policy that is named Default for the Sales orders policy type.
    • A policy that is named Default for the Transfer issue policy type.
    • A policy that is named CrossOrder for the Transfer issue policy type. (This policy is created only if you had at least one warehouse where the legacy Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse setting was enabled.)
    • A policy that is named CrossOrder for the Sales orders policy type. (This policy is created only if you had at least one warehouse where the legacy Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse setting was enabled.)


    • Both CrossOrder policies consider the same set of fields as the earlier logic. However, they also consider the order number field. (That field is used to consolidate lines into shipments, based on factors such as the warehouse, transportation mode of delivery, and address.)
    • Both Default policies consider the same set of fields as the earlier logic. However, they also consider the order number field. (That field is used to consolidate lines into shipments, based on factors such as the order number, warehouse, transportation mode of delivery, and address.)
  3. If the system generated a CrossOrder policy for the Sales orders policy type, select it, and then, on the Action Pane, select Edit query. In the query editor, you can see which of your warehouses the Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse setting was previously enabled for. Therefore, this policy reproduces your previous settings for these warehouses.

  4. Customize the new default policies as required by adding or removing fields and/or editing the queries. You can also add as many new policies as you need. For examples that show how to customize and configure your policies, see the example scenario later in this article.

Scenario: Configure custom shipment consolidation policies

This scenario provides an example that shows how to set up custom shipment consolidation policies and then test them by using demo data. Custom policies can support complex business requirements where shipment consolidation depends on several conditions. For each example policy later in this scenario, a short description of the business case is included. These example policies should be set up in a sequence that ensures a pyramid-like evaluation of the queries. (In other words, the policies that have the most conditions should be evaluated as having the highest priority.)

Make demo data available

This scenario references values and records that are included in the standard demo data that is provided for Supply Chain Management. If you want to use the values that are provided here as you do the exercises, be sure to work in an environment where the demo data is installed, and set the legal entity to USMF before you begin.

Prepare master data for this scenario

Before you can go through the exercises in this scenario, you must prepare the master data that is required to do the filtering, as described in the following subsections. (These prerequisites also apply to the scenarios that are listed in the Example scenarios of how to use shipment consolidation policies section.)

Create two new product filter codes

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Product filters > Product filters, and add two product filters:

    • Product filter 1:

      • Filter code: Flammable
      • Filter title: Code 4
    • Product filter 2:

      • Filter code: Explosive
      • Filter title: Code 4
  2. Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.

  3. Open the product that has item number M9200. (The product that you select must be enabled for advanced warehouse [WMS] processes, and this product is pre-enabled for WMS processes in the USMF demo data.)

  4. On the Warehouse FastTab, set the Code 4 field to Flammable.

  5. Close the page.

  6. Open the product that has item number M9201. (This product is also pre-enabled for WMS processes in the in the USMF demo data.)

  7. On the Warehouse FastTab, set the Code 4 field to Explosive.

  8. Close the page.

Create a new transportation mode of delivery

  1. Go to Transportation management > Setup > Carriers > Mode.

  2. Create a transportation mode that will be used in consolidation queries, and name it Airways.

  3. Go to Transportation management > Setup > Carriers > Shipping carriers.

  4. Create a carrier that has the following settings:

    • Shipping carrier: Airways
    • Name: Airways
    • Mode: Airways
  5. On the Services FastTab for the new carrier, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Carrier service: Air
    • Transportation method: Air
  6. On the Action Pane, select Save.


    When you save the new carrier, the Mode of delivery field for the new row in the Services grid is automatically set to Airwa-Air. When you use the Airwa-Air mode of delivery for a sales order, the Airways transportation mode will be used for related shipments.

Create an order pool

  1. Go to Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales orders > Order pools.

  2. Create an order pool that will be used for the consolidation query. This order pool should have the following settings:

    • Pool: Enter an integer that isn't already used by any other pool.
    • Name: ShipCons
  3. Go to Sales and marketing > Customers > All customers.

  4. Open the customer that has account number US-003.

  5. On the Sales order defaults FastTab, set the Sales order pool field to the order pool that you just created.

  6. Close the page, and then repeat steps 4 and 5 for the customer that has account number US-004.

Create example policy 1

In this example, you will create a Customer+Mode policy that can be used for the following business case:

  • The policy will query for a specific customer account (US-001) and a specific mode of delivery (Airwa-Air).
  • Consolidation with open shipments is turned off.
  • Consolidation is done per order ID. (In other words, there will be separate shipments per order, warehouse, and so on.)

Follow these steps to create the shipment consolidation policy for this business case.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. Set the Policy type field to Sales orders.

  3. On the Action Pane, select New to create a policy that has the following settings:

    • Policy name: CustomerMode
    • Policy description: Customer account and mode of delivery
  4. Leave the Consolidate with open shipments option set to No.

  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. On the Consolidation fields FastTab, in the Remaining fields list, select the row where the Field name field is set to Mode of delivery.

  7. Select the Add button Right arrow. to move the field to the Selected fields list.

  8. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  9. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, in the grid, find the row where the Field field is set to Customer account, and set the Criteria field for that row to US-001.

  10. Select Add to add a row that has the following settings to the grid:

    • Table: Order lines
    • Derived table: Order lines
    • Field: Mode of delivery
    • Criteria: Airwa-Air
  11. Select OK to close the dialog box.


For this business case, order lines for customer US-001 that use the Airwa-Air mode of delivery won't be consolidated across orders. This policy is intended to be used first in a sequence, in cases where shipments for all other modes of delivery are consolidated for this customer.

Create example policy 2

In this example, you will create a Hazardous goods policy that can be used for the following business case:

  • The policy will query for a specific filter code (hazardous) and a specific mode of delivery (Airwa-Air).
  • Consolidation with open shipments is turned on.
  • Consolidation is done across orders. (In other words, there will be separate shipments per account, warehouse, and so on, but only within the item group that is specified in the query.)

Follow these steps to create the shipment consolidation policy for this business case.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. Set the Policy type field to Sales orders.

  3. On the Action Pane, select New to create a policy that has the following settings:

    • Policy name: Item type
    • Policy description: Consolidate the same type of item across orders
  4. Set the Consolidate with open shipments option to Yes.

  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. On the Consolidation fields FastTab, in the Remaining fields list, select the row where the Field name field is set to Mode of delivery.

  7. Select the Add button Right arrow. to move the field to the Selected fields list.

  8. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  9. In the query editor dialog box, on the Joins tab, expand and select Tables > Load details in the tree.

  10. Select Add table join.

  11. In the grid of relations that appears, find and select the row where the Relation field is set to Warehouse item number (Item number), and then select Select.

  12. On the Range tab, select Add to add a row that has the following settings to the grid:

    • Table: Warehouse item number
    • Derived table: Warehouse item number
    • Field: Code 4
    • Criteria: Flammable
  13. Select OK to close the dialog box.


For this business case, all order lines where items have a specific filter code (that is, the filter code where the Code 4 field is set to Flammable) will be consolidated with other items of the same type across orders. If there is an open shipment for the same account, warehouse, and group of items, the new lines will be attached to it.

Create example policy 3

In this example, you will create a Customers' requirements policy that can be used for the following business case:

  • The policy will query for a specific customer account.
  • Consolidation with open shipments is turned on.
  • Consolidation is done across orders but is based on customer requisitions. (In other words, multiple orders will be grouped into shipments, based on the same customer requisition number and warehouse.)

Follow these steps to create the shipment consolidation policy for this business case.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. Set the Policy type field to Sales orders.

  3. On the Action Pane, select New to create a policy that has the following settings:

    • Policy name: CustomerOrderNo
    • Policy description: Consolidate lines based on customer PO
  4. Set the Consolidate with open shipments option to Yes.

  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. On the Consolidation fields FastTab, in the Remaining fields list, select the row where the Field name field is set to Customer requisition.

  7. Select the Add button Right arrow. to move the field to the Selected fields list.

  8. In the Remaining fields list, select the row where the Field name field is set to Mode of delivery.

  9. Select the Add button Right arrow. to move the field to the Selected fields list.

  10. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  11. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, find the row where the Field field is set to Customer account, and set the Criteria field for that row to US-001.

  12. Select OK to close the dialog box.


For this business case, all order lines where sales orders have the same customer requisition number will be consolidated into one shipment, regardless of the sales order number. (The customer requisition number is used as the customer's purchase order [PO] number.) If there is an open shipment for the same account, warehouse, and customer requisition, the new lines will be attached to it. This policy can be used if the customer sends additional order lines that have the same PO number several times during a day and wants all the lines to be grouped into one shipment. (In other words, there will be one bill of lading and one packing slip.)

Create example policy 4

In this example, you will create a Customers allowing consolidation policy that can be used for the following business case:

  • The policy will query for a specific order pool to identify customers who accept consolidated shipments.

  • Consolidation with open shipments is turned off.

  • Consolidation is done across orders using the fields selected by default CrossOrder policy (to replicate the previous Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse check box).

  • You can override the rule on a sales order by selecting a different order pool.

Follow these steps to create the shipment consolidation policy for this business case.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. Set the Policy type field to Sales orders.

  3. On the Action Pane, select New to create a policy that has the following settings:

    • Policy name: Order pool
    • Policy description: Consolidate across orders based on order pool
  4. Leave the Consolidate with open shipments option set to No.

  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. On the Consolidation fields FastTab, in the Remaining fields list, select the row where the Field name field is set to Mode of delivery.

  7. Select the Add button Right arrow. to move the field to the Selected fields list.

  8. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  9. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, select Add to add a row that has the following settings to the grid:

    • Table: Sales orders
    • Derived table: Sales orders
    • Field: Pool
    • Criteria: ShipCons
  10. Select OK to close the dialog box.


For this business case, all order lines where sales orders belong to the same order pool will be consolidated into one shipment across sales orders for the same account, warehouse, and transportation mode of delivery. Instead of the order pool, you can use any other field to distinguish a group of customers and use the sales order header by default. You can use this approach if the customer, not the warehouse, is driving the need for consolidation. (In the earlier consolidation logic, the warehouse drove the need for consolidation.)

Create example policy 5

In this example, you will create a Warehouses allowing consolidation policy that can be used for the following business case:

  • The policy will query for a specific order pool to identify warehouses that can consolidate shipments.
  • Consolidation with open shipments is turned off.
  • Consolidation is done across orders using the fields selected by default CrossOrder policy (to replicate the previous Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse check box).

Typically, this business case can be addressed by using the default policies that you created in Set up your initial consolidation policies. However, you can also manually create similar policies by following these steps.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. Set the Policy type field to Sales orders.

  3. On the Action Pane, select New to create a policy that has the following settings:

    • Policy name: Cross-order
    • Policy description: Cross-order consolidation for specific warehouses
  4. Leave the Consolidate with open shipments option set to No.

  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. On the Consolidation fields FastTab, in the Remaining fields field, select the row where the Field name field is set to Mode of delivery.

  7. Select the Add button Right arrow. to move the field to the Selected fields list.

  8. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  9. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, find the row where the Field field is set to Warehouse, and set the Criteria field for that row to 61, 63.

  10. Select OK to close the dialog box.

Set the order

Now that you've created all your policies, you must establish the order that they will be applied in. To use a pyramid-like approach, where the policies that have the most conditions are evaluated as having the highest priority, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment consolidation policies.

  2. Set the Policy type field to Sales orders.

  3. Select each policy that is listed in the left column, and then use the Move up and Move down buttons on the Action Pane to arrange the policies in the following order:

    1. CustomerMode
    2. Item type
    3. CustomerOrderNo
    4. Order pool
    5. Cross-order
    6. Default

Example scenarios of how to use shipment consolidation policies

The following scenarios illustrate how you could use the shipment consolidation policies that you created while reading this article. Each scenario walks you through a shipment consolidation process that uses shipment consolidation policies during automated or manual release to the warehouse: