Message processor messages for warehouse management processes

Message processor messages are used for processes that run asynchronously. For example, you can use a message processor message to post a sales packing slip when the last shipment container is closed as part of a manual packing process or by Warehouse management only mode to create inbound shipment orders and outbound shipment orders.

Example message type: Run packing slip for container

For example, the Run packing slip for container message type is used to create and post a sales packing slip when a warehouse worker closes the last container in a shipment. The message that's inserted will be in a Queued message state. This state indicates that the message is waiting to be picked up by the Message processor batch job.

View the message log, message content, and details

To view the messages that are processed by the message processor, go to System administration > Message processor > Message processor messages. For information about how to use the Message processor messages page to review messages, find and fix failed messages, and more, see Message processor messages page.

Message processor batch job

You should schedule a periodic batch job to process the messages, by going to System administration > Message processor > Message processor. In the dialog box that appears, you must select a value in the Message queue field (for example, Warehouse), and you must specify a processing interval. Learn more in Schedule message processing by using the message processor batch job.

Set up business events to deliver alerts for failed processing results

On the Message processor messages page, you can filter on the Failed value of the Message state field to inquire about failed messages. In addition, you can set up business events to alert you about failed processing results. Learn more in Set up business events to deliver alerts for failed processing results.