Microsoft Entra user data collection for multifactor authentication and self-service password reset

This document explains how to find user information collected by Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server (MFA Server), Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication (Cloud-based), and self-service password reset (SSPR) in the event you would like to remove it.


For information about viewing or deleting personal data, please review Microsoft's guidance on the Windows data subject requests for the GDPR site. For general information about GDPR, see the GDPR section of the Microsoft Trust Center and the GDPR section of the Service Trust portal.

MFA information collected

MFA Server, the NPS Extension, and the Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication AD FS Adapter collect and store the following information for 90 days.

Authentication Attempts (used for reporting and troubleshooting):

  • Timestamp
  • Username
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • User Group
  • Authentication Method (Phone Call, Text Message, Mobile App, OATH Token)
  • Phone Call Mode (Standard, PIN)
  • Text Message Direction (One-Way, Two-Way)
  • Text Message Mode (OTP, OTP + PIN)
  • Mobile App Mode (Standard, PIN)
  • OATH Token Mode (Standard, PIN)
  • Authentication Type
  • Application Name
  • Primary Call Country Code
  • Primary Call Phone Number
  • Primary Call Extension
  • Primary Call Authenticated
  • Primary Call Result
  • Backup Call Country Code
  • Backup Call Phone Number
  • Backup Call Extension
  • Backup Call Authenticated
  • Backup Call Result
  • Overall Authenticated
  • Overall Result
  • Results
  • Authenticated
  • Result
  • Initiating IP Address
  • Devices
  • Device Token
  • Device Type
  • Mobile App Version
  • OS Version
  • Result
  • Used Check for Notification

Activations (attempts to activate an account in the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app):

  • Username
  • Account Name
  • Timestamp
  • Get Activation Code Result
  • Activate Success
  • Activate Error
  • Activation Status Result
  • Device Name
  • Device Type
  • App Version
  • OATH Token Enabled

Blocks (used to determine blocked state and for reporting):

  • Block Timestamp
  • Block By Username
  • Username
  • Country Code
  • Phone Number
  • Phone Number Formatted
  • Extension
  • Clean Extension
  • Blocked
  • Block Reason
  • Completion Timestamp
  • Completion Reason
  • Account Lockout
  • Fraud Alert
  • Fraud Alert Not Blocked
  • Language

Bypasses (used for reporting):

  • Bypass Timestamp
  • Bypass Seconds
  • Bypass By Username
  • Username
  • Country Code
  • Phone Number
  • Phone Number Formatted
  • Extension
  • Clean Extension
  • Bypass Reason
  • Completion Timestamp
  • Completion Reason
  • Bypass Used

Changes (used to sync user changes to MFA Server or Microsoft Entra ID):

  • Change Timestamp
  • Username
  • New Country Code
  • New Phone Number
  • New Extension
  • New Backup Country Code
  • New Backup Phone Number
  • New Backup Extension
  • New PIN
  • PIN Change Required
  • Old Device Token
  • New Device Token

Gather data from MFA Server

For MFA Server version 8.0 or higher the following process allows administrators to export all data for users:

  • Log in to your MFA Server, navigate to the Users tab, select the user in question, and click the Edit button. Take screenshots (Alt-PrtScn) of each tab to provide the user their current MFA settings.
  • From the command line of the MFA Server, run the following command changing the path according to your installation C:\Program Files\Multi-Factor Authentication Server\MultiFactorAuthGdpr.exe export <username> to produce a JSON formatted file.
  • Administrators can also use the Web Service SDK GetUserGdpr operation as an option to export all MFA cloud service information collected for a given user or incorporate into a larger reporting solution.
  • Search C:\Program Files\Multi-Factor Authentication Server\Logs\MultiFactorAuthSvc.log and any backups for "<username>" (include the quotes in the search) to find all instances of the user record being added or changed.
    • These records can be limited (but not eliminated) by unchecking "Log user changes" in the MFA Server UX, Logging section, Log Files tab.
    • If syslog is configured, and "Log user changes" is checked in the MFA Server UX, Logging section, Syslog tab, then the log entries can be gathered from syslog instead.
  • Other occurrences of the username in MultiFactorAuthSvc.log and other MFA Server log files pertaining to authentication attempts are considered operational and duplicative to the information provided using MultiFactorAuthGdpr.exe export or Web Service SDK GetUserGdpr.

Delete data from MFA Server

From the command line of the MFA Server, run the following command changing the path according to your installation C:\Program Files\Multi-Factor Authentication Server\MultiFactorAuthGdpr.exe delete <username> to delete all MFA cloud service information collected for this user.

  • Data included in the export is deleted in real time, but it may take up to 30 days for operational or duplicative data to be fully removed.
  • Administrators can also use the Web Service SDK DeleteUserGdpr operation as an option to delete all MFA cloud service information collected for a given user or incorporate into a larger reporting solution.

Gather data from NPS Extension

Use the Microsoft Privacy portal to make a request for Export.

  • MFA information is included in the export, which may take hours or days to complete.
  • Occurrences of the username in the AzureMfa/AuthN/AuthNOptCh, AzureMfa/AuthZ/AuthZAdminCh, and AzureMfa/AuthZ/AuthZOptCh event logs are considered operational and duplicative to the information provided in the export.

Delete data from NPS Extension

Use the Microsoft Privacy portal to make a request for Account Close to delete all MFA cloud service information collected for this user.

  • It may take up to 30 days for data to be fully removed.

Gather data from Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication AD FS Adapter

Use the Microsoft Privacy portal to make a request for Export.

  • MFA information is included in the export, which may take hours or days to complete.
  • Occurrences of the username in the AD FS Tracing/Debug event logs (if enabled) are considered operational and duplicative to the information provided in the export.

Delete data from Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication AD FS Adapter

Use the Microsoft Privacy portal to make a request for Account Close to delete all MFA cloud service information collected for this user.

  • It may take up to 30 days for data to be fully removed.

Gather data for Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication

Use the Microsoft Privacy portal to make a request for Export.

  • MFA information is included in the export, which may take hours or days to complete.

Delete data for Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication

Use the Microsoft Privacy portal to make a request for Account Close to delete all MFA cloud service information collected for this user.

  • It may take up to 30 days for data to be fully removed.

Delete data for self-service password reset

Users can add answers to security questions as part of SSPR. Security questions and answers are hashed to prevent unauthorized access. Only the hashed data is saved, so the security questions and answers can't be exported. Users can go to My sign-ins to edit or delete them. The only other information saved for SSPR is the user email address.

Those assigned the Privileged Authentication Administrator role can remove data collected for any user. On the Users page in Microsoft Entra ID, click Authentication methods and select a user to remove their phone or email address.

Next steps

MFA Server reporting