Install a Private Package as a requirement in data workflows


Data workflows is powered by Apache Airflow.
Apache Airflow is an open-source platform used to programmatically create, schedule, and monitor complex data workflows. It allows you to define a set of tasks, called operators, that can be combined into directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to represent data pipelines.

A python package is a way to organize related Python modules into a single directory hierarchy. A package is typically represented as a directory that contains a special file called Inside a package directory, you can have multiple Python module files (.py files) that define functions, classes, and variables. In the context of Data workflows, you can create packages to add your custom code.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on installing .whl (Wheel) file, which serves as a binary distribution format for Python package in Data workflows.

For illustration purpose, I create a simple custom operator as python package that can be imported as a module inside dag file.

Develop a custom operator and test with an Apache Airflow Dag

  1. Create a file and convert it to Private Package. Refer to the guide: Creating a package in python

    from airflow.models.baseoperator import BaseOperator
    class SampleOperator(BaseOperator):
        def __init__(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> None:
   = name
        def execute(self, context):
            message = f"Hello {}"
            return message
  2. Create the Apache Airflow DAG file to test the operator defined in Step 1.

    from datetime import datetime
    from airflow import DAG
    from airflow_operator.sample_operator import SampleOperator
    with DAG(
    description="A simple tutorial DAG",
    start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1),
    ) as dag:
        task = SampleOperator(task_id="sample-task", name="foo_bar")
  3. Create a GitHub Repository containing the in Dags folder and your private package file. Common file formats include zip, .whl, or tar.gz. Place the file either in the 'Dags' or 'Plugins' folder, as appropriate. Synchronize your Git Repository with Data workflows or you can use preconfigured repository(Install-Private-Package)[]

Add your package as a requirement

Add the package as a requirement under Airflow requirements. Use the format /opt/airflow/git/<repoName>.git/<pathToPrivatePackage>

For example, if your private package is located at /dags/test/private.whl in a GitHub repo, add the requirement /opt/airflow/git/<repoName>.git/dags/test/private.whl to the Airflow environment.

Screenshot showing private package added as requirement.

Quickstart: Create a Data workflow