Tutorial: Create Power BI reports

Applies to: ✅ SQL analytics endpoint and Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric

Learn how to create and save several types of Power BI reports.

Create reports

  1. Select the Model view.

    Screenshot showing where to select the Model view option.

  2. From the fact_sale table, drag the CityKey field and drop it onto the CityKey field in the dimension_city table to create a relationship.

    Screenshot of two table field lists, showing where to drag a field from one table to another.

  3. On the Create Relationship settings:

    1. Table 1 is populated with fact_sale and the column of CityKey.
    2. Table 2 is populated with dimension_city and the column of CityKey.
    3. Cardinality: select Many to one (*:1).
    4. Cross filter direction: select Single.
    5. Leave the box next to Make this relationship active checked.
    6. Check the box next to Assume referential integrity.

    Screenshot of the Create Relationship screen, showing the specified values and where to select Assume referential integrity.

  4. Select Confirm.

  5. From the Home tab of the ribbon, select New report.

  6. Build a Column chart visual:

    1. On the Data pane, expand fact_sales and check the box next to Profit. This creates a column chart and adds the field to the Y-axis.

    2. On the Data pane, expand dimension_city and check the box next to SalesTerritory. This adds the field to the X-axis.

    3. Reposition and resize the column chart to take up the top left quarter of the canvas by dragging the anchor points on the corners of the visual.

      Screenshot showing where to find the anchor point at the corner of a new visual report in the canvas screen.

  7. Select anywhere on the blank canvas (or press the Esc key) so the column chart visual is no longer selected.

  8. Build a Maps visual:

    1. On the Visualizations pane, select the Azure Map visual.

      Screenshot of the Visualizations pane showing where to select the ArcGIS Maps for Power BI option.

    2. From the Data pane, drag StateProvince from the dimension_city table to the Location bucket on the Visualizations pane.

    3. From the Data pane, drag Profit from the fact_sale table to the Size bucket on the Visualizations pane.

      Screenshot of the Data pane next to the Visualization pane, showing where to drag the relevant data.

    4. If necessary, reposition and resize the map to take up the bottom left quarter of the canvas by dragging the anchor points on the corners of the visual.

      Screenshot of the canvas next to the Visualization and Data panes, showing a bar chart and a map plot on the canvas.

  9. Select anywhere on the blank canvas (or press the Esc key) so the map visual is no longer selected.

  10. Build a Table visual:

    1. On the Visualizations pane, select the Table visual.

      Screenshot of the Visualizations pane showing where to select the Table option.

    2. From the Data pane, check the box next to SalesTerritory on the dimension_city table.

    3. From the Data pane, check the box next to StateProvince on the dimension_city table.

    4. From the Data pane, check the box next to Profit on the fact_sale table.

    5. From the Data pane, check the box next to TotalExcludingTax on the fact_sale table.

    6. Reposition and resize the column chart to take up the right half of the canvas by dragging the anchor points on the corners of the visual.

      Screenshot of the canvas next to the Visualization and Data panes, which show where to select the specified details. The canvas contains a bar chart, a map plot, and a table.

  11. From the ribbon, select File > Save.

  12. Enter Sales Analysis as the name of your report.

  13. Select Save.

    Screenshot of the Save your report dialog box with Sales Analysis entered as the report name.

Next step