POST (/ext/unattendedsetup/configure)

Sets configuration data for how scripts are run.

URI parameters


Required request headers


Required request body

The request must contain a JSON body that has the following members.

Member Description
RunOobeScript Boolean value that indicates whether we should run any one-time script on the next boot (expected script name is oobe.cmd).
BlockUsbScript Boolean value that indicates whether we should block unattended scripts from running when on a USB device.
SkipAbortToast Boolean value that indicates whether we should run scripts immediately on boot instead of waiting for an abort window.
BlockAllScripts Boolean value that indicates whether we should block unattended scripts from running.


HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource.

Code Description
200 The operation was successful.
4XX Error codes.
5XX Error codes.

See also

