
Registers a GameInputDeviceCallback function to be called whenever a device is connected or disconnected from the system. Also allows the function to be called when the properties of a device change.


HRESULT RegisterDeviceCallback(  
         IGameInputDevice* device,  
         GameInputKind inputKind,  
         GameInputDeviceStatus statusFilter,  
         GameInputEnumerationKind enumerationKind,  
         void* context,  
         GameInputDeviceCallback callbackFunc,  
         GameInputCallbackToken* callbackToken  


device   _In_opt_
Type: IGameInputDevice*
Limits registered callback to only trigger for a specific device.
inputKind   _In_
Type: GameInputKind

Limits registered callback to only trigger for devices that support at least one of the specified types of input.

statusFilter   _In_
Type: GameInputDeviceStatus

Limits registered callback to only trigger for specific types of device status changes.

enumerationKind   _In_
Type: GameInputEnumerationKind

Determines whether devices will be enumerated and if the function will wait for enumeration to complete.

context   _In_opt_
Type: void*

Some object which provides relevant information for the callback function. Typically the calling object.

callbackFunc   _In_
Type: GameInputDeviceCallback

The title-defined callback to register for the device connected or disconnected event.

callbackToken   _Result_zeroonfailure_
Type: GameInputCallbackToken*

Token identifying the registered callback function. This token is used to identify the registered function in the event that you need to cancel or unregister the callback function.

Return value


Function result.


The function registered by IGameInput::RegisterDeviceCallback can be used to react to changes of state in the device, for something as common as a connect or disconnect, to something more specialized like a switch between wired and connected input. The types of recognizable state changes are listed in GameInputDeviceStatus.

The enumerationKind parameter can be used to cause an initial salvo of callbacks to be generated - one for each device that is connected to the system. This initial enumeration can be set to an asynchronous or synchronous enumeration. A synchronous enumeration will call all initial callbacks before IGameInput::RegisterDeviceCallback returns.

The following C++ sample demonstrates how to explicitly enumerate connected gamepads and keyboards.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGameInput> gameInput; 

void CALLBACK OnDeviceEnumerated( 
    _In_ GameInputCallbackToken callbackToken, 
    _In_ void * context, 
    _In_ IGameInputDevice * device,
    _In_ uint64_t timestamp, 
    _In_ GameInputDeviceStatus currentStatus, 
    _In_ GameInputDeviceStatus previousStatus) 
    // Application-specific code to handle the enumerated device 
void EnumerateDevicesWorker() noexcept 
    GameInputCallbackToken token; 
    if (SUCCEEDED(gameInput->RegisterDeviceCallback( 
        nullptr,                                      // Don't filter to events from a specific device 
        GameInputKindGamepad | GameInputKindKeyboard, // Enumerate gamepads and keyboards
        GameInputDeviceAnyStatus,                     // Any device status 
        GameInputBlockingEnumeration,                 // Enumerate synchronously 
        nullptr,                                      // No callback context parameter 
        OnDeviceEnumerated,                           // Callback function 
        &token)))                                     // Generated token 
        gameInput->UnregisterCallback(token, 5000); 

The following C++ sample demonstrates how to be notified when a device is connected or disconnected.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGameInput> gameInput; 
void CALLBACK OnDeviceConnectionChanged( 
    _In_ GameInputCallbackToken callbackToken, 
    _In_ void * context, 
    _In_ IGameInputDevice * device, 
    _In_ uint64_t timestamp, 
    _In_ GameInputDeviceStatus currentStatus, 
    _In_ GameInputDeviceStatus previousStatus, 
    if (currentStatus & GameInputDeviceConnected)
        // Application-specific code to handle the device connection 
        // Application-specific code to handle the device disconnection 
void MonitorDeviceConnectionChanges( 
    _In_ volatile bool & cancelMonitoring) noexcept 
    GameInputCallbackToken token; 
    if (SUCCEEDED(gameInput->RegisterDeviceCallback( 
        nullptr,                                      // Don't filter to events from a specific device 
        GameInputKindGamepad | GameInputKindKeyboard, // Listen for Gamepad and Keyboard changes
        GameInputDeviceConnected,                     // Notify on changes to GameInputDeviceConnected status 
        GameInputAsyncEnumeration,                    // Enumerate initial devices asynchronously
        nullptr,                                      // No callback context parameter 
        OnDeviceConnectionChanged,                    // Callback function 
        &token)))                                     // Generated token 
        while (!cancelMonitoring) 
        gameInput->UnregisterCallback(token, 5000); 


Header: GameInput.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Input API Overview