GET (/users/{ownerId}/people/mute)

Gets the mute list for a user.


If a target is given, this URI returns only that user if the user is on the mute list, or else empty if the user is not.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
ownerId string Required. Identifier of the user whose resource is being accessed. The possible values are "me", xuid({xuid}), or gt({gamertag}). Must be the authenticated user. Example values: xuid(2603643534573581), gt(SomeGamertag). Maximum size: none.

Effect of privacy settings on resource



Authorization claims used Claim Type Required? Example value
Xuid 64-bit signed integer yes 1234567890

Required Request Headers

Header Type Description
Authorization string Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. Example value: Xauth=<authtoken>. Maximum size: none.
X-RequestedServiceVersion string Build name/number of the Xbox LIVE service to which this request should be directed. The request will only be routed to that service after verifying the validity of the header, the claims in the authorization token, and so on. Example values: 1, vnext. Maximum size: none.
Accept string Content-Types that are acceptable. Example value: application/json. Maximum size: none.

Request body

No objects are sent in the body of this request.

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Reason phrase Description
200 OK Successful request for the mute list.
400 Bad Request The target ID specified in the URI is not valid.
403 Forbidden The owner specified in the URI is not the authenticated user.
404 Not Found The owner specified in the URI does not exist.

Required Response Headers

Header Type Description
Content-Type string The MIME type of the body of the request. Example value: application/json
Content-Length string The number of bytes being sent in the response. Example value: 34
Cache-Control string Polite request from the server to specify caching behavior. Example: no-cache, no-store

Response body

Sample response

See UserList.

        { "xuid":"12345" },
        { "xuid":"23456" }

See also

