GET (/untrustedplatform/users/xuid({xuid})/scids/{scid})

Retrieves quota information for this storage type. The domain for these URIs is

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
xuid unsigned 64-bit integer The Xbox User ID (XUID) of the player who making the request.
scid guid the ID of the service config to look up.


The request must include a valid Xbox LIVE authorization header. If caller is not allowed to access this resource, the service will return a 403 Forbidden response. If the header is invalid or missing, the service will return a 401 Unauthorized response.

Required Request Headers

Header Value Description
x-xbl-contract-version 1 API contract version.
Authorization XBL3.0 x=[hash];[token] STS authentication token. STSTokenString is replaced by the token returned by the authentication request. See Authenticating and Authorizing Xbox LIVE Services Requests for additional information about retrieving an STS token and creating an authorization header.

Request body

No objects are sent in the body of this request.

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Reason phrase Description
200 OK The request was successful.
201 Created The entity was created.
400 Bad Request Service could not understand malformed request. Typically an invalid parameter.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication.
403 Forbidden The request is not allowed for the user or service.
404 Not Found The specified resource could not be found.
406 Not Acceptable Resource version is not supported.
408 Request Timeout The request took too long to complete.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503 Service Unavailable Request has been throttled, try the request again after the client-retry value in seconds (e.g. 5 seconds later).

Response body

If the call is successful, the service will return a quotaInfo object.

Sample response

  "quotaInfo" :
    "usedBytes" : 619,
    "quotaBytes" : 16777216

See also




quotaInfo (JSON)