Registers an event handler for notifications when a multiplayer session changes. If the RTA subscription has not been explicitly enabled with XblMultiplayerSetSubscriptionsEnabled, adding session changed handlers will enable it automatically. Use the returned XblFunctionContext to unregister the handler.
XblFunctionContext XblMultiplayerAddSessionChangedHandler(
XblContextHandle xblContext,
XblMultiplayerSessionChangedHandler* handler,
void* context
xblContext _In_
Type: XblContextHandle
Xbox live context for the local user.
handler _In_
Type: XblMultiplayerSessionChangedHandler*
The callback function that receives notifications.
context _In_opt_
Type: void*
Caller context to be passed the handler.
Return value
Type: XblFunctionContext
The function context token that was registered for the event.
Header: multiplayer_c.h
Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib