
The possible states for a matchmaking ticket.


enum class PFMatchmakingTicketStatus  : uint32_t  
    Creating = 0,  
    Joining = 1,  
    WaitingForPlayers = 2,  
    WaitingForMatch = 3,  
    Matched = 4,  
    Canceled = 5,  
    Failed = 6,  


Constant Description
Creating The matchmaking ticket is being created.
Joining The matchmaking ticket is being joined.
WaitingForPlayers The matchmaking ticket is waiting for all remote users specified in the membersToMatchWith field of its configuration to join the ticket via PFMultiplayerJoinMatchmakingTicketFromId.
WaitingForMatch The matchmaking ticket is waiting for a match to be found.
Matched The matchmaking ticket has found a match.
Canceled The matchmaking ticket has been canceled.
Failed The matchmaking ticket failed to find a match.


Header: PFMatchmaking.h

See also

PFMatchmaking members