deviceInfo resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.callRecords

Represents information about a device (microphone, speaker, camera, etc.) used in a call.


Property Type Description
captureDeviceDriver String Name of the capture device driver used by the media endpoint.
captureDeviceName String Name of the capture device used by the media endpoint.
captureNotFunctioningEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the capture device was not working properly.
cpuInsufficentEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the CPU resources available were insufficient and caused poor quality of the audio sent and received.
deviceClippingEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected clipping in the captured audio that caused poor quality of the audio being sent.
deviceGlitchEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected glitches or gaps in the audio played or captured that caused poor quality of the audio being sent or received.
howlingEventCount Int32 Number of times during the call that the media endpoint detected howling or screeching audio.
initialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare Double The root mean square (RMS) of the incoming signal of up to the first 30 seconds of the call.
lowSpeechLevelEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected low speech level that caused poor quality of the audio being sent.
lowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected low speech to noise level that caused poor quality of the audio being sent.
micGlitchRate Double Glitches per 5 minute interval for the media endpoint's microphone.
receivedNoiseLevel Int32 Average energy level of received audio for audio classified as mono noise or left channel of stereo noise by the media endpoint.
receivedSignalLevel Int32 Average energy level of received audio for audio classified as mono speech, or left channel of stereo speech by the media endpoint.
renderDeviceDriver String Name of the render device driver used by the media endpoint.
renderDeviceName String Name of the render device used by the media endpoint.
renderMuteEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that media endpoint detected device render is muted.
renderNotFunctioningEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the render device was not working properly.
renderZeroVolumeEventRatio Double Fraction of the call that media endpoint detected device render volume is set to 0.
sentNoiseLevel Int32 Average energy level of sent audio for audio classified as mono noise or left channel of stereo noise by the media endpoint.
sentSignalLevel Int32 Average energy level of sent audio for audio classified as mono speech, or left channel of stereo speech by the media endpoint.
speakerGlitchRate Double Glitches per 5 minute internal for the media endpoint's loudspeaker.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "captureDeviceDriver": "String",
  "captureDeviceName": "String",
  "captureNotFunctioningEventRatio": "Double",
  "cpuInsufficentEventRatio": "Double",
  "deviceClippingEventRatio": "Double",
  "deviceGlitchEventRatio": "Double",
  "howlingEventCount": 1024,
  "initialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare": "Double",
  "lowSpeechLevelEventRatio": "Double",
  "lowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio": "Double",
  "micGlitchRate": "Double",
  "receivedNoiseLevel": 1024,
  "receivedSignalLevel": 1024,
  "renderDeviceDriver": "String",
  "renderDeviceName": "String",
  "renderMuteEventRatio": "Double",
  "renderNotFunctioningEventRatio": "Double",
  "renderZeroVolumeEventRatio": "Double",
  "sentNoiseLevel": 1024,
  "sentSignalLevel": 1024,
  "speakerGlitchRate": "Double"