cloudPcGalleryImage resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the gallery image resource of the current organization that can be used to provision a Cloud PC.

Inherits from entity.


Method Return type Description
List cloudPcGalleryImage collection List the properties and relationships of cloudPcGalleryImage objects.
Get cloudPcGalleryImage Read the properties and relationships of a specific cloudPcGalleryImage object.


Property Type Description
displayName String The display name of this gallery image. For example, Windows 11 Enterprise + Microsoft 365 Apps 22H2. Read-only.
endDate Date The date when the status of the image becomes supportedWithWarning. Users can still provision new Cloud PCs if the current time is later than endDate and earlier than expirationDate. For example, assume the endDate of a gallery image is 2023-9-14 and expirationDate is 2024-3-14, users are able to provision new Cloud PCs if today is 2023-10-01. Read-only.
expirationDate Date The date when the image is no longer available. Users are unable to provision new Cloud PCs if the current time is later than expirationDate. The value is usually endDate plus six months. For example, if the startDate is 2025-10-14, the expirationDate is usually 2026-04-14. Read-only.
id String The unique identifier (ID) of the gallery image resource on Cloud PC. The ID format is {publisherName_offerName_skuName}. For example, MicrosoftWindowsDesktop_windows-ent-cpc_win11-22h2-ent-cpc-m365. You can find the publisherName, offerName, and skuName in the Azure Marketplace. Inherited from entity. Read-only.
offerName String The offer name of this gallery image that is passed to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to retrieve the image resource. Read-only.
publisherName String The publisher name of this gallery image that is passed to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to retrieve the image resource. Read-only.
sizeInGB Int32 Indicates the size of this image in gigabytes. For example, 64. Read-only.
skuName String The SKU name of this image that is passed to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to retrieve the image resource. Read-only.
startDate Date The date when the Cloud PC image is available for provisioning new Cloud PCs. For example, 2022-09-20. Read-only.
status cloudPcGalleryImageStatus The status of the gallery image on the Cloud PC. Possible values are: supported, supportedWithWarning, notSupported, unknownFutureValue. The default value is supported. Read-only.

cloudPcGalleryImageStatus values

Member Description
supported Indicates that the gallery image is active and ready to be used for provisioning.
supportedWithWarning Indicates that the gallery image has expired, but the Cloud PC continues support for six months, after which it becomes unsupported and can't be used.
notSupported Indicates that the gallery image is out of support.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcGalleryImage",
  "displayName": "String",
  "endDate": "String (Date)",
  "expirationDate": "String (Date)",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "offerName": "String",
  "publisherName": "String",
  "sizeInGB": "Int32",
  "skuName": "String",
  "startDate": "String (Date)",
  "status": "String"