propertyRule resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.externalConnectors


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Defines the set of conditions to display a displayTemplate. Rules use the format: (property from the item schema) + (operation) + (value). For example, a propertyRule can specify that "itemTitle" "contains" "contoso". Therefore, the displayTemplate isn't displayed unless itemTitle contains the value contoso.


Property Type Description
operation microsoft.graph.externalConnectors.ruleOperation Specifies the operations to be performed during evaluation of a single propertyRule, where property and a string from the values collection are the respective operands. Possible values are: null, equals, notEquals, contains, notContains, lessThan, greaterThan, startsWith. Required.
property String The property from the externalItem schema. Required.
values String collection A collection with one or many strings. One or more specified strings are matched with the specified property using the specified operation. Required.
valuesJoinedBy binaryOperator The join operator for evaluating multiple propertyRules. For example, if and is specified, then all propertyRules must be true for the propertyRule to be true. Possible values are: or, and. Required.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "property": "String",
  "operation": "String",
  "valuesJoinedBy": "String",
  "values": [