networkConnection resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Contains stateful information about the network connection related to the alert.


Property Type Description
applicationName String Name of the application managing the network connection (for example, Facebook, SMTP, etc.).
destinationAddress String Destination IP address (of the network connection).
destinationDomain String Destination domain portion of the destination URL. (for example '').
destinationLocation String Location (by IP address mapping) associated with the destination of a network connection.
destinationPort String Destination port (of the network connection).
destinationUrl String Network connection URL/URI string - excluding parameters. (for example '')
direction connectionDirection Network connection direction. Possible values are: unknown, inbound, outbound.
domainRegisteredDateTime DateTimeOffset Date when the destination domain was registered. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
localDnsName String The local DNS name resolution as it appears in the host's local DNS cache (for example, in case the 'hosts' file was tampered with).
natDestinationAddress String Network Address Translation destination IP address.
natDestinationPort String Network Address Translation destination port.
natSourceAddress String Network Address Translation source IP address.
natSourcePort String Network Address Translation source port.
protocol securityNetworkProtocol Network protocol. Possible values are: unknown, ip, icmp, igmp, ggp, ipv4, tcp, pup, udp, idp, ipv6, ipv6RoutingHeader, ipv6FragmentHeader, ipSecEncapsulatingSecurityPayload, ipSecAuthenticationHeader, icmpV6, ipv6NoNextHeader, ipv6DestinationOptions, nd, raw, ipx, spx, spxII.
riskScore String Provider generated/calculated risk score of the network connection. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
sourceAddress String Source (i.e. origin) IP address (of the network connection).
sourceLocation String Location (by IP address mapping) associated with the source of a network connection.
sourcePort String Source (i.e. origin) IP port (of the network connection).
status connectionStatus Network connection status. Possible values are: unknown, attempted, succeeded, blocked, failed.
urlParameters String Parameters (suffix) of the destination URL.

securityNetworkProtocol values

Member Value Description
unknown -1 Unknown protocol.
ip 0 Internet Protocol.
icmp 1 Internet Control Message Protocol.
igmp 2 Internet Group Management Protocol.
ggp 3 Gateway To Gateway Protocol.
ipv4 4 Internet Protocol version 4.
tcp 6 Transmission Control Protocol.
pup 12 PARC Universal Packet Protocol.
udp 17 User Datagram Protocol.
idp 22 Internet Datagram Protocol.
ipv6 41 Internet Protocol version 6 (ipv6).
ipv6RoutingHeader 43 ipv6 Routing header.
ipv6FragmentHeader 44 ipv6 Fragment header.
ipSecEncapsulatingSecurityPayload 50 ipv6 Encapsulating Security Payload header.
ipSecAuthenticationHeader 51 ipv6 Authentication header.
icmpV6 58 Internet Control Message Protocol for ipv6.
ipv6NoNextHeader 59 ipv6 No next header.
ipv6DestinationOptions 60 ipv6 Destination Options header.
nd 77 Net Disk Protocol (unofficial).
raw 255 Raw IP packet protocol.
ipx 1000 Internet Packet Exchange Protocol.
spx 1256 Sequenced Packet Exchange protocol.
spxII 1257 Sequenced Packet Exchange version 2 protocol.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "applicationName": "String",
  "destinationAddress": "String",
  "destinationDomain": "String",
  "destinationLocation": "String",
  "destinationPort": "String",
  "destinationUrl": "String",
  "direction": "String",
  "domainRegisteredDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "localDnsName": "String",
  "natDestinationAddress": "String",
  "natDestinationPort": "String",
  "natSourceAddress": "String",
  "natSourcePort": "String",
  "protocol": "string",
  "riskScore": "String",
  "sourceAddress": "String",
  "sourceLocation": "String",
  "sourcePort": "String",
  "status": "String",
  "urlParameters": "String"