print resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

When accompanied by a Universal Print subscription, the Print feature enables management of printers and discovery of printServiceEndpoints that can be used to manage printers and print jobs within Universal Print.


Method Return type Description
List connectors printConnector collection Get a list of print connectors.
List printers printer collection Get a list of printers.
List shares printerShare collection Get a list of printer shares.
List services printService collection Get a list of services.
Create printerShare printerShare Create a new printer share by posting to the shares collection.
Create printer printerCreateOperation Create (register) a new printer with Universal Print.
Update settings printSettings Updates tenant-wide settings for the Universal Print service.
List taskDefinitions printTaskDefinition collection Get a tenant-wide list of printTaskDefinitions created within Universal Print.
Create taskDefinition printTaskDefinition Create a new printTaskDefinition.


Property Type Description
settings printSettings Tenant-wide settings for the Universal Print service.


Relationship Type Description
connectors printConnector collection The list of available print connectors.
operations printOperation collection The list of print long running operations.
printers printer collection The list of printers registered in the tenant.
services printService collection The list of available Universal Print service endpoints.
services printService collection The list of print service instances for various components of the printing infrastructure.
shares printerShare collection The list of printer shares registered in the tenant.
taskDefinitions printTaskDefinition collection List of abstract definition for a task that can be triggered when various events occur within Universal Print.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.print",
  "settings": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printSettings"