Microsoft Graph connectors SDK connection management API and models

The Microsoft Graph connectors SDK contracts connection management API and models are called during the process of custom connector connection creation on the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Connection management APIs

Method Parameters Return Type Description
ValidateAuthentication ValidateAuthenticationRequest ValidateAuthenticationResponse Validates the credentials and data source path provided by the admin in the connection settings step.
ValidateCustomConfiguration ValidateCustomConfigurationRequest ValidateCustomConfigurationResponse Validates the optional configuration provided by the admin in the connection configuration step. If no configuration is required for the connector, this API can return a success response.
GetDataSourceSchema GetDataSourceSchemaRequest GetDataSourceSchemaResponse Gets the data source schema in a format that can be understood by Microsoft Graph.

Connection management API models

The following sections describe the connection management API models.


Request model to validate the authentication request to the data source.

Property Type Description
authenticationData AuthenticationData Holds the data source access URL and the credentials to access it.


Response model to validate the authentication response to the data source.

Property Type Description
status OperationStatus Shows the status of the operation and details like error messages.
oAuth2ClientCredentialResponse OAuth2ClientCredentialResponse Credential information to be sent to the connector during the crawl if OAuth flow is used (access token, refresh token, and so on, sent by the auth server).


Request model to validate custom configuration request information.

Property Type Description
customConfiguration CustomConfiguration Provides configuration data for the connector.
authenticationData AuthenticationData Holds the data source access URL and the credentials to access it.


Request model to validate custom configuration response information.

Property Type Description
status OperationStatus Shows the status of the operation and details such as error messages.


Request model to get the schema request of the data source.

Property Type Description
customConfiguration CustomConfiguration Provides configuration data for the connector.
authenticationData AuthenticationData Holds the data source access URL and the credentials to access it.


Request model to get the schema response of the data source.

Property Type Description
status OperationStatus Shows the status of the operation and details such as error messages.
dataSourceSchema DataSourceSchema Shows the data source schema.