Status, transitions, and limitations for submissions in Microsoft Graph

Submissions are an important part of the interaction between teachers' and students' actions. This relates to changes in the submission status during the process flow and which education APIs in Microsoft Graph are involved.

Submission status and transitions

A submission represents the resources that an individual or group turns in for an assignment. Submissions are owned by an assignment and are automatically created when an assignment is published.

The status is a read-only property in the submission. It changes based on the actions of students and teachers.

Status Description REST API call
Working Initial status after the submission is created. POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments
POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/unsubmit
Submitted The status after the student turns in the assignment. POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/submit
Returned The status after the teacher has returned an assignment to the student. POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/return
Reassigned The status after the teacher has returned the assignment to the student for revision. POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/reassign
Excuse Teachers can mark a submission as excused to indicate that the submission has no further action for the student. POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/excuse

The following diagram shows the status transition flow.

Submission status transitions diagram

Submission status transitions based on allowed actions

Current submission status New action New status
Working Turn in Submitted
Working Return for revision Reassigned
Working Return Returned
Working Excuse Excused
Submitted Undo Turn in Working
Submitted Return Returned
Submitted Return for revision Reassigned
Submitted Excuse Excused
Returned Turn in Submitted
Returned Return Returned
Returned Return for revision Reassigned
Returned Excuse Excused
Reassigned Turn in Submitted
Reassigned Return Returned
Reassigned Return for revision Reassigned
Reassigned Excuse Excused
Excused Return for revision Reassigned
Excused Return Returned
Excused Turn in Submitted


Any action and status transition not listed in the table is not allowed.

Sync vs. async operations over submissions API calls

The following table lists the API calls that affect the submission status and the operation type.

In this case, all the calls are asynchronous, which means the operation starts, and another operation can begin before the first one finishes. The asynchronous operation performs some background activity, and the caller must be polling to get the result.

API Sync or async Mechanism to get latest status
POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/submit Async Poll
POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/unsubmit Async Poll
POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/return Async Poll
POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/reassign Async Poll
POST /education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/excuse Async Poll


The following limits apply to all API calls:

  • The maximum number of submission resources are 10 for the student.
  • The maximum size allowed for resources is 500 MB.
  • Throttling limits apply; for details, see Microsoft Graph throttling guidance.