Working with TI Designer

Microsoft Visual Studio provides a graphical user interface for creating, viewing, and editing the objects used by the host-initiated processing (HIP) and Windows-initiated processing (WIP) environments in Transaction Integrator (TI). TI objects are created and edited within a TI Project, one of several project types supported by the Visual Studio design environment.

The user interface for a TI Project includes a tree view in the Solution Explorer window, wizards, dialog boxes, and properties displayed in the Properties window. The tree view presents a two-pane design tool. The left pane displays a hierarchical representation of the components of a type library or .NET assembly. The right pane displays a list of details about the properties associated with the contents of the library or assembly selected in the left pane. You can customize the details view to display other types of information, for example, a COBOL, RPG, or IDL source code. You can display Help topics about the individual user interface controls by highlighting a control or node and pressing the F1 key.

The TI wizards in a project have Help buttons on each wizard page. Clicking Help on the page takes you to the relevant Help topic in this section. You can display Help topics about the individual user interface controls by clicking Help on the Visual Studio wizard page or dialog box or by highlighting a control or node and pressing the F1 key. All of the TI Project Help topics are combined in this section for easy reference and review.

In This Section

.NET Framework Library Nodes

Wizards and Dialog Boxes (TI Project)

Properties (TI Project)

See Also

Application Integration (Configuration)