Writing Code that Specifies a Remote Environment

Applications can set the SelectionHint property to specify a remote environment (RE) programmatically. By specifying the RE, the application identifies the CICS or IMS region where transaction programs are carried out when the Transaction Integrator (TI) run-time environment handles calls to the TI component's methods.

The following Visual Basic code demonstrates how to set the SelectionHint property:

Dim objExample As Object  
Dim Store As String  
Set objExample = CreateObject("MyComponent.MyInterface")  
Open "My REList.txt" for Input as #1  
Line Input #1, strRE  
Close #1  
objExample.SelectionHint = strRE  
RtrnVal = objExample.method1(parm1,  , parmN) 'Use RE named "MyRemEnvName"  

This example shows how the application can explicitly instruct the TI run-time environment to use the RE named MyRemEnvName when handling the call to method1. In this example, MyRemEnvName is the first string in the file MyREList.txt. Any method calls made after method1 that follow the SelectionHint assignment are handled using the original RE that was assigned to the component, not the new one. In other words, the programmatic override of the default RE does not continue past a single method call.

If an application attempts to set the SelectionHint property to a string that does not correspond to the name of an RE, an error is reported, and the original RE is used.

The SelectionHint property can be set to a deactivated RE. However, the next method call to the object will fail because a deactivated RE was selected.

The SelectionHint property is optional. If the SelectionHint property does not specify an RE, the TI run-time environment uses the original RE.

See Also

Remote Environment Selection with the SelectionHint Property