File SDK Re-publishing Quickstart (C++)


For an overview on this scenario and where it may be used, refer to Republishing in MIP SDK.


If you haven't already, be sure to complete the following prerequisites before continuing:

  • Complete Quickstart: Set/get sensitivity labels(C++) first, which builds a starter Visual Studio solution, to list an organization's sensitivity labels, to set and read sensitivity labels to/from a file. This "How to - Downgrade/Remove a label that needs a justification C++" Quickstart builds on the previous one.
  • Optionally: Review File handlers in the MIP SDK concepts.
  • Optionally: Review Protection handlers in the MIP SDK concepts.

Add logic to FileHandler Observer class

To be able to use Decrypt a protected file by using GetDecryptedTemporaryFileAsync() method exposed by mip::FileHandler, callbacks for the async method for success and failure have to be defined as below.

  1. Open the Visual Studio solution you created in the previous "Quickstart: Set/get sensitivity labels(C++).

  2. Using Solution Explorer, open the filehandler_observer.h file for in your project. Towards the end of FileHandler definition, before }; add below lines for method declaration.

        void OnGetDecryptedTemporaryFileSuccess(const std::string& decryptedFilePath, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) override;
        void OnGetDecryptedTemporaryFileFailure(const std::exception_ptr& error, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) override;
  3. Using Solution Explorer, open the filehandler_observer.cpp file in your project. Towards the end of the file, add below lines for method definitions.

        void FileHandlerObserver::OnGetDecryptedTemporaryFileSuccess(const std::string& decryptedFilePath, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) {
        auto promise = std::static_pointer_cast<std::promise<std::string>>(context);
        void FileHandlerObserver::OnGetDecryptedTemporaryFileFailure(const std::exception_ptr& error, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context) {
        auto promise = std::static_pointer_cast<std::promise<std::string>>(context);

Add logic to edit and republish a protected file

  1. Using Solution Explorer, open the .cpp file in your project that contains the implementation of the main() method. It defaults to the same name as the project containing it, which you specified during project creation.

  2. Toward the end of the main() body, below system("pause"); and above return 0; (where you left off in the previous Quickstart), insert the following code:

//Originally protected file's path.
std::string protectedFilePath = "<protected-file-path>";

// Create file handler for the file
auto handlerPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<std::shared_ptr<FileHandler>>>();
auto handlerFuture = handlerPromise->get_future();
auto protectedFileHandler = handlerFuture.get();

// retieve and store protection handler from file
auto protectionHandler = protectedFileHandler->GetProtection();

//Check if the user has the 'Edit' right to the file and if so decrypt the file.
if (protectionHandler->AccessCheck("Edit")) {

    // Decrypt file to temp path using the same file handler
    auto tempPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<string>>();
    auto tempFuture = tempPromise->get_future();
    auto tempPath = tempFuture.get();

    /// Write code here to perform further operations for edit ///

    /// Follow steps below for re-protecting the edited file ///

    // Create a new file handler using the temporary file path.
    auto reprotectPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<std::shared_ptr<FileHandler>>>();
    auto reprotectFuture = reprotectPromise->get_future();
    auto republishHandler = reprotectFuture.get();

    // Set protection using the ProtectionHandler from the original consumption operation.
    std::string reprotectedFilePath = "<protected-file-path>";

    // Commit changes
    auto republishPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
    auto republishFuture = republishPromise->get_future();
    republishHandler->CommitAsync(reprotectedFilePath, republishPromise);

    // Validate republishing
    cout << "Protected File: " + protectedFilePath<<endl;
    cout << "Protected Label ID: " + protectedFileHandler->GetLabel()->GetLabel()->GetId() << endl;
    cout << "Protection Owner: " + protectedFileHandler->GetProtection()->GetOwner() << endl<<endl;

    cout << "Republished File: " + reprotectedFilePath<<endl;
    cout << "Republished Label ID: " + republishHandler->GetLabel()->GetLabel()->GetId() << endl;
    cout << "Republished Owner: " + republishHandler->GetProtection()->GetOwner() << endl;
  1. Towards the end of Main() find the application shutdown block created in previous quickstart and add below handler lines to release resources.

        protectedFileHandler = nullptr;
        protectionHandler = nullptr;
  2. Replace the placeholder values in the source code using the following values:

    Placeholder Value
    <protected-file-path> Protected file from previous quickstart.
    <reprotected-file-path> The output file path for modified file to republish.

Build and test the application

Build and test your client application.

  1. Use CTRL-SHIFT-B (Build Solution) to build your client application. If you have no build errors, use F5 (Start debugging) to run your application.

  2. If your project builds and runs successfully, the application prompts for an access token, each time the SDK calls your AcquireOAuth2Token() method. As you did previously in the "Set/get Sensitivity Label" Quickstart, run your PowerShell script to acquire the token each time, using the values provided for $authority and $resourceUrl.

  Sensitivity labels for your organization:
  Non-Business : 87ba5c36-17cf-14793-bbc2-bd5b3a9f95cz
  Public : 83867195-f2b8-2ac2-b0b6-6bb73cb33afz
  General : f42a3342-8706-4288-bd31-ebb85995028z
  Confidential : 074e457c-5848-4542-9a6f-34a182080e7z
  Highly Confidential : f55c2dea-db0f-47cd-8520-a52e1590fb6z
  Press any key to continue . . .

  Applying Label ID 074e457c-5848-4542-9a6f-34a182080e7z to C:\Test\Test.docx
  Committing changes
  Label committed to file: C:\Test\Test_labeled.docx
  Press any key to continue . . .

  Run the PowerShell script to generate an access token using the following values, then copy/paste it below:
  Set $authority to:
  Set $resourceUrl to:
  Sign in with user account:
  Enter access token: <paste-access-token-here>
  Press any key to continue . . .

  Getting the label committed to file: C:\Test\Test_labeled.docx
  Name: Confidential
  Id: 074e457c-5848-4542-9a6f-34a182080e7z
  Press any key to continue . . .
  Protected File: C:\Test\Test_labeled.docx
  Protected Label ID: 074e457c-5848-4542-9a6f-34a182080e7z
  Protection Owner:

  Republished File: c:\Test\Test_republished.docx
  Republished Label ID: 074e457c-5848-4542-9a6f-34a182080e7z
  Republished Owner:

  Press any key to close this window . . .