class JsonValue


Members Descriptions
public bool IsString() const check if value is a string.
public bool IsArray() const check if value is a json array.
public bool IsObject() const check if value is a json object.
public bool HasMember(const std::string& key) const return true if object has a child with the specified key.
public void PushBack(const std::shared_ptr<JsonValue>& jsonValue) Add a value member to an Array. The object should not be modified after being added.
public void PushBack(const std::string& member) Add a string member to an Array with the specified value.
public void AddMember(const std::string& key, const std::shared_ptr<JsonValue>& jsonValue) Add a value member to an Object. The object should not be modified after being added.
public void AddMember(const std::string& key, const std::string& member) Not yet documented.
public void AddMember(const std::string& key, bool member) Add a boolean member to an Object with the specified key and value.
public void AddMember(const std::string& key, int member) Add a signed integer member to an Object with the specified key and value.
public void AddMember(const std::string& key, unsigned int member) Add an unsigned integer member to an Object with the specified key and value.
public std::shared_ptr<JsonValue> GetMember(const std::string& key) const return child value with the specified key if this is an Object.
public std::shared_ptr<JsonValue> GetMember(unsigned int index) const return child value at specified index if this is an Array.
public size_t Size() const return number of child elements.
public std::vector<std::string> GetStringArray() const return value array as strings, skip non string elements.
public std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> GetStringObjectMembers() const Return all string members of this object and their keys, skip non string elements. Example: for the json object {"a": "b", "c": "d", "e": 1, "f": {"g": "h"}} this method would return a vector of two pairs: ("a", "b") and ("c", "d").
public std::string GetString() const If the current value is a string, return it.
public bool IsInt() const Returns true if the current value is an int.
public int GetInt() const If the current value is an int, return it.
public bool IsBool() const Return true if the current value is a bool.
public bool IsUint() const Return true if the current value is an unsigned int.
public unsigned int GetUint() const If the current value is a uint, return it.
public bool IsNumber() const Return true if the current value is a number of any type.
public double GetDouble() const If the current value is a double, return it.
public bool GetBool() const If the current value is a bool, return it.
public std::string SerializeToString() const Serialize the value and all children as a string.


IsString function

check if value is a string.

Returns: True if json value is string.

IsArray function

check if value is a json array.

Returns: True if json value is a json array.

IsObject function

check if value is a json object.

Returns: True if json value is a json object.

HasMember function

return true if object has a child with the specified key.

Returns: True if object has a child with the specified key.

PushBack function

Add a value member to an Array. The object should not be modified after being added.

PushBack function

Add a string member to an Array with the specified value.


  • member: The value of the member to add.

AddMember function

Add a value member to an Object. The object should not be modified after being added.

AddMember function

Not documented yet.

AddMember function

Add a boolean member to an Object with the specified key and value.


  • key: The key of the member to add.

  • member: The value of the member to add.

AddMember function

Add a signed integer member to an Object with the specified key and value.


  • key: The key of the member to add.

  • member: The value of the member to add.

AddMember function

Add an unsigned integer member to an Object with the specified key and value.


  • key: The key of the member to add.

  • member: The value of the member to add.

GetMember function

return child value with the specified key if this is an Object.

Returns: Child value with the specified key if this is an Object.

GetMember function

return child value at specified index if this is an Array.

Returns: Child value at specified index if this is an Array.

Size function

return number of child elements.

Returns: Number of child elements.

GetStringArray function

return value array as strings, skip non string elements.

Returns: A vector of the string in a json array.

GetStringObjectMembers function

Return all string members of this object and their keys, skip non string elements. Example: for the json object {"a": "b", "c": "d", "e": 1, "f": {"g": "h"}} this method would return a vector of two pairs: ("a", "b") and ("c", "d").

Returns: All string members of this object and their keys as a vector of pairs.

GetString function

If the current value is a string, return it.

Returns: The current value if it is a string.

IsInt function

Returns true if the current value is an int.

Returns: True if the current value is an int.

GetInt function

If the current value is an int, return it.

Returns: The current value if it is an int.

IsBool function

Return true if the current value is a bool.

Returns: True if the current value is a bool.

IsUint function

Return true if the current value is an unsigned int.

Returns: True if the current value is an unsigned int.

GetUint function

If the current value is a uint, return it.

Returns: The current value if it is a uint.

IsNumber function

Return true if the current value is a number of any type.

Returns: True if the current value is a number of any type.

GetDouble function

If the current value is a double, return it.

Returns: The current value if it is a double.

GetBool function

If the current value is a bool, return it.

Returns: The current value if it is a bool.

SerializeToString function

Serialize the value and all children as a string.

Returns: This json value and all children serialized as a string.