WebApp.DefinitionStages.ExistingLinuxPlanWithGroup Interface

public static interface WebApp.DefinitionStages.ExistingLinuxPlanWithGroup

A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract WithLinuxAppFramework withExistingResourceGroup(ResourceGroup group)

Associates the resource with an existing resource group.

abstract WithLinuxAppFramework withExistingResourceGroup(String groupName)

Associates the resource with an existing resource group.

abstract WithLinuxAppFramework withNewResourceGroup()

Creates a new resource group to put the resource in.

abstract WithLinuxAppFramework withNewResourceGroup(Creatable<ResourceGroup> groupDefinition)

Creates a new resource group to put the resource in, based on the definition specified.

abstract WithLinuxAppFramework withNewResourceGroup(String name)

Creates a new resource group to put the resource in.

Method Details


public abstract WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxAppFramework withExistingResourceGroup(ResourceGroup group)

Associates the resource with an existing resource group.


group - an existing resource group to put the resource in


the next stage of the definition


public abstract WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxAppFramework withExistingResourceGroup(String groupName)

Associates the resource with an existing resource group.


groupName - the name of an existing resource group to put this resource in.


the next stage of the definition


public abstract WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxAppFramework withNewResourceGroup()

Creates a new resource group to put the resource in.

The group will be created in the same location as the resource. The group's name is automatically derived from the resource's name.


the next stage of the definition


public abstract WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxAppFramework withNewResourceGroup(Creatable groupDefinition)

Creates a new resource group to put the resource in, based on the definition specified.


groupDefinition - a creatable definition for a new resource group


the next stage of the definition


public abstract WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxAppFramework withNewResourceGroup(String name)

Creates a new resource group to put the resource in.

The group will be created in the same location as the resource.


name - the name of the new group


the next stage of the definition

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