RegistryTaskRuns Interface

public interface RegistryTaskRuns

An immutable client-side representation of collection of Azure registry task runs.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract void cancel(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that cancels a task run.

abstract Mono<Void> cancelAsync(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that cancels a task run asynchronously.

abstract String getLogSasUrl(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that returns the URI to the task run logs.

abstract Mono<String> getLogSasUrlAsync(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that returns the URI to the task run logs asynchronously.

abstract PagedIterable<RegistryTaskRun> listByRegistry(String rgName, String acrName)

The function that lists the RegistryTaskRun instances in a registry asynch.

abstract PagedFlux<RegistryTaskRun> listByRegistryAsync(String rgName, String acrName)

The function that lists the RegistryTaskRun instances in a registry asynchronously.

abstract BlankFromRuns scheduleRun()

The function that begins the steps to schedule a run.

Method Details


public abstract void cancel(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that cancels a task run.


rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
acrName - the name of the parent registry.
runId - the id of the task run.


public abstract Mono cancelAsync(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that cancels a task run asynchronously.


rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
acrName - the name of the parent registry.
runId - the id of the task run.


handle to the request.


public abstract String getLogSasUrl(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that returns the URI to the task run logs.


rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
acrName - the name of the parent registry.
runId - the id of the task run.


the URI to the task run logs.


public abstract Mono getLogSasUrlAsync(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)

The function that returns the URI to the task run logs asynchronously.


rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
acrName - the name of the parent registry.
runId - the id of the task run.


the URI to the task run logs.


public abstract PagedIterable listByRegistry(String rgName, String acrName)

The function that lists the RegistryTaskRun instances in a registry asynch.


rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
acrName - the name of the parent registry.


the list of RegistryTaskRun instances.


public abstract PagedFlux listByRegistryAsync(String rgName, String acrName)

The function that lists the RegistryTaskRun instances in a registry asynchronously.


rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
acrName - the name of the parent registry.


the list of RegistryTaskRun instances.


public abstract RegistryTaskRun.DefinitionStages.BlankFromRuns scheduleRun()

The function that begins the steps to schedule a run.


the next step in the execution of a run.

Applies to