Applications Interface

public interface Applications

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Applications.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
ApplicationSummary get(String applicationId)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ApplicationSummary get(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ApplicationSummary> getAsync(String applicationId)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ApplicationSummary> getAsync(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ServiceFuture<ApplicationSummary> getAsync(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions, final ServiceCallback<ApplicationSummary> serviceCallback)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ServiceFuture<ApplicationSummary> getAsync(String applicationId, final ServiceCallback<ApplicationSummary> serviceCallback)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<ApplicationSummary, ApplicationGetHeaders>> getWithServiceResponseAsync(String applicationId)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<ApplicationSummary, ApplicationGetHeaders>> getWithServiceResponseAsync(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

PagedList<ApplicationSummary> list()

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

PagedList<ApplicationSummary> list(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<Page<ApplicationSummary>> listAsync()

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<Page<ApplicationSummary>> listAsync(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ServiceFuture<List<ApplicationSummary>> listAsync(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions, final ListOperationCallback<ApplicationSummary> serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ServiceFuture<List<ApplicationSummary>> listAsync(final ListOperationCallback<ApplicationSummary> serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

PagedList<ApplicationSummary> listNext(final String nextPageLink)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

PagedList<ApplicationSummary> listNext(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<Page<ApplicationSummary>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<Page<ApplicationSummary>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ServiceFuture<List<ApplicationSummary>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions, final ServiceFuture<List<ApplicationSummary>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<ApplicationSummary> serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

ServiceFuture<List<ApplicationSummary>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<List<ApplicationSummary>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback<ApplicationSummary> serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Page<ApplicationSummary>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Page<ApplicationSummary>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Page<ApplicationSummary>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listWithServiceResponseAsync()

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Page<ApplicationSummary>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listWithServiceResponseAsync(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.

Method Details


public ApplicationSummary get(String applicationId)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.


the ApplicationSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
BatchErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public ApplicationSummary get(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.
applicationGetOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the ApplicationSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
BatchErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getAsync(String applicationId)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.


the observable to the ApplicationSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable getAsync(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.
applicationGetOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the observable to the ApplicationSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture getAsync(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions, final ServiceCallback serviceCallback)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.
applicationGetOptions - Additional parameters for the operation
serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture getAsync(String applicationId, final ServiceCallback serviceCallback)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.
serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<>> getWithServiceResponseAsync(String applicationId)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.


the observable to the ApplicationSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<>> getWithServiceResponseAsync(String applicationId, ApplicationGetOptions applicationGetOptions)

Gets information about the specified application. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationId - The ID of the application.
applicationGetOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the observable to the ApplicationSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public PagedList list()

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
BatchErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public PagedList list(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationListOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
BatchErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable<>> listAsync()

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<>> listAsync(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationListOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture<>> listAsync(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions, final ListOperationCallback serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationListOptions - Additional parameters for the operation
serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture<>> listAsync(final ListOperationCallback serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public PagedList listNext(final String nextPageLink)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.


the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
BatchErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public PagedList listNext(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
applicationListNextOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
BatchErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable<>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
applicationListNextOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture<>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions, final ServiceFuture<>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
applicationListNextOptions - Additional parameters for the operation
serviceFuture - the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture<>> listNextAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ServiceFuture<>> serviceFuture, final ListOperationCallback serviceCallback)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
serviceFuture - the ServiceFuture object tracking the Retrofit calls
serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<><>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<><>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listNextWithServiceResponseAsync(final String nextPageLink, final ApplicationListNextOptions applicationListNextOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


nextPageLink - The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.
applicationListNextOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<><>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listWithServiceResponseAsync()

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<><>, ApplicationListHeaders>> listWithServiceResponseAsync(final ApplicationListOptions applicationListOptions)

Lists all of the applications available in the specified account. This operation returns only applications and versions that are available for use on compute nodes; that is, that can be used in an application package reference. For administrator information about applications and versions that are not yet available to compute nodes, use the Azure portal or the Azure Resource Manager API.


applicationListOptions - Additional parameters for the operation


the observable to the PagedList<ApplicationSummary> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation

Applies to